Self View ?

I havent blogged for some time, actually since ICO finished, so it's time again to share my opinions and feelings and beliefs about life and what is going on myself and around me these days.

I have discovered a lot of new things about myself over the past weeks and months, some of which is quite challenging... these things include these 3 hot topics in my life right now:

1. My own personal self view.... how I view myself, and sometimes how I compare myself with others. (which is not a good thing to do by the way) But I am pretty sure we have all been guilty of that at one time or another. So, here are some of the things I have learned about myself: (a) sometimes I view myself as inferior to others, you know, worse than, or less smart or less attractive (lol) or other things... (b) I have also worked out that sometimes I am wrong and right in my own self estimation. (c) OK, I am not the smartest, most best looking bloke that ever walked the planet, but I am fearfully and wonderfuuly made, God created me to be me, He has skilled me in areas that others are not skilled in, that neither makes me better or worse than others. I am changing in this area of my life. And it feels more natural for me to recognise who I actually am and how God has wired me, rather than what I perceive others may or may not perceive in me or of me. And actually when I stand up and feel and think that, something else seems to change in my communication and demeanor and character. (it's not a bad place to be at in life)


2. I have new Spiritual Gifts. ... at ICO I was doing an elective that I had no idea why I chose..and it was all around gifting. I discovered my gifts have changed. After 20 years of Officer ministry I guess anything is possible, but it happened and when I discovered that, it put my self view and self understanding into a bit of a spin. I am still working that out what it really means. But it sure makes a lot more sense now. And spiritual giftendess is not about us its about what God is doing in and through us. That has been an awesome thing to experience. I am very excited about what God has in store for me. I am still surrendered to His will in my life.


3. I do not have all the answers.... and even though some think that an Officer should, its simply untrue and unfair to assume ( any of us) that Leaders are "supermen or superwomen". We are all frail, weak and sometimes fragile vessels used by God for extraordinary tasks. When I dont know what to do in a certain circumstance I am not going to pretend that I do. Let me tell you what I will do... I am going to ( and am actually already doing this ) seek help from those who have gone before me, I am going to keep praying and waiting on God to do in me what is still needing to be done. ( he is not finished with me just yet) and I will also empower others into areas where I am not as skilled, so that the overall betterment for the situation is achieved.


sometimes I feel like I have such a long way to go, some people re-inforce that in you dont they ? Bless them !!!!

Others get alongside you and speak into your life and encourage and dont diminish you.


So I want to be that kind of person.... I want to be one who adds value to others, someone who causes the status quo to be challenged and not someone who diminishes others or makes them feel worse about themselves. I may not have always been succesful in achieving this, but its my hope to change that for the better.

It doesn't mean I will always agree with those around me or even entertain compromise of personal values and axioms, but I am determined to live my life with purpose and meaning and for the Lord God, who has called me for His kingdom purpose. (* that in itself may put me at odds with some...sigh)


nevertheless, I will contiunue to work out my calling...

I will continue to strive for personal holiness of a high degree

I will continue to try to be obedient to my call

I will continue to tweak and adjust as time goes on, until I am in the best place "MY" life for "HIM".

My self view, will change.


Maybe yours needs to also.


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