Reality !

I chose deliberatly to come and sit in MacDonalds today to think about life, do some prep and be in touch with reality. You know be where the people are.

People munching on burgers and fries and hash browns... sipping coffee, chatting, and escaping a cold wet day in Melbourne.

2 ladies sit in front of me, both are on their mobile phones texting... someone somewhere, but not really engaging each other in conversation too much. what an interesting world it has become...

what really is reality in this world these days ?

we are all so busy rushing around here and there.... so much to do, and we all carry our burdens and worries and fears... we also carry hope and dreams and sometimes those dreams are shattered in the harsh reality of what life has become.

One such incident occurred at Ringwood yesterday... it was nothing short of a miracle ...or something crazy.

We had arrived for work and were just settling into the office when there was a commotion in the foyer... a man had entered into our foyer along with our receptionist and he immediately burst into tears, distraught completely.

I will call him Jack, for his confidentiality...and I feel nearly ..that I shouldnt share the story, but I sensed God in this story unfolding before my very eyes..and hope that God receives the glory due His name as result of this incident.

So, "Jack", could not control his weeping, I gently led him away from reception into my office so I could find out what was going on for him.

Trying hard to calm him down and hear him, the words gently fall off his lips that he had just taken an hour earlier, some poison mixed with water to try and kill himself. He had been driving aimlessly for around an hour and randomly found himself parked in our carpark and walking into our foyer and asking for help in this do or die minute. He had travelled a fair distance in his car before finding himself in the Ringwood Salvos carpark and seriously he was in trouble.

We immediatly called for an ambulance and they arrived very quickly, checked him and took him off to the hospital, where I believe his life was saved.

This was very much a random encounter... or was it ?

How did he find himself in Ringwood...?

When his original home was far away...?

I believe that God led him to us, and we played a part in helping him to survive.

Later in the day, Jacks son arrived to collect his car, and I just checked up on things, to find that Jack was in hospital and will be helped and monitored to help him recover and then to manage and deal with his reality that had led him to this desperate point in his life.

I may never meet jack again.

And the reality of that day, was stark, sharp and really hard, and for some people in this world, that's what their life reality has become. It's tragic. I felt very sad for this man as the day unfolded I wondered what had happened for him to feel that it wasnt worth going on in life.

But here's what I know.... and I really know this......

God often intervenes in our lives to bring about hope, healing, rescue and salvation.

Yesterday, hope came to Jack....he didnt know us, and we didnt know him, and yet God knew that we would help him ...

so there he is in our foyer at Ringwood Salvos....

and here we are..

impacted hugely by Gods invasion in our normality on a routine Monday morning at work.

Reality ?

what is it ?

Is it Macca's...Yes ?!

Is it God leading his kids home so that they would be saved and helped ?

Yes it is.


So, as I conclude this blog of thoughts for today, let me just ask you what is your reality ?

if its super tough at the moment, then why not take a risk and reach out to someone who loves Jesus and just seek some help... you will find God there. He cares about you. He cares about us all, even if we doubt that is true.

If its too hard, then go get help urgently... make that phone call, get to a church or a hospital... seek help.

If your reality is ok, you will know, that there are many around you that are doing it tough.

so..... reach out and love someone today...

it might just save their life.



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