I want to see.....

Last night in our Prayer and Praise meeting I got this thought... I want to build on it here in my blog.

The miraculous activity of God that I read in my bible is a very different reality to what I see in my Christian life these days, and I often ponder and wonder why that is.

Dont you ?

My God is a powerful, almighty and amazing God... His power and ability blows me away and I have seen some of that, with supernatural activity in my life at various times. But I dont see it all the time.

Is it because He doesn't do stuff all the time ? or is it because I have sin in my life or some barrier that stops Him from moving in such ways ? or is it that I havent prayed right ? or havent prayed full stop ? Is it because of lack of faith ? is it because God doesn't feel like doing this or that ?

Dunno !!!!!!!

Let me remind you and myself, of some of what He has done...

He split the sea apart so the Israelites could escape through the water...

He poured down fire from heaven and burnt up the altars and destroyed the Baal idol worship in one crazy session of prayer.

He caused Lazarus to be raised from the dead, a blind man could see after Jesus touched him, a crippled man walked home after his mates lowered him through a roof to Jesus, a man with leprosy was healed and a demon possessed man was freed and a bunch of pigs destroyed.... all healed, all sorted, by God.

You seeing any of that stuff goin on around you ? these days ?

Well I am not and I want to.... !

I have had a few miracles happen in my life and in my family, and we need more.

I need the seas to part so I can escape the enemys advance.... I need the healing touch of God upon my daughter, I need the fire from heaven to fall upon my ministry and through my ministry, I need Gods power flowing in my life to burn up the influences of evil and hurt and abuse around me.

I have gleaned, that in my life, I often seem to go from stage to stage in my life as a Christian, you know, moving from here to there, growing, faith rising, and then diminishing... like 2 steps forward and 1 step back... being hot then cold... and sometimes lukewarm. I dont want to be lukewarm and I dont want to be cold I want to be hot, all the time hot ( to understand this more you will need to listen to yesterdays sermon podcast from Ringwood Salvos, it will be up-online later today).


For me these days, I am hungry for the supernatural power of God to flow in my life, in my family, in my ministry and church, in my personal life, in my public life and in my inner being where no one else knows anything about, other than God and me.

I want to see the waters part so that people can be rescued by the supernatural move and touch of God. For people in my family and people in my church.

I want to see the miracles of healing over the sick that are not getting better around me.

I want to see depression dissappear by a touch from God in people's lives.

I want to see lost people find Jesus as Saviour.

I want to see churches stop going through the motions week in and week out and get serious about Christianity ....evidenced by growing prayer meetings. I still believe that the biggest sign of church health is in the size of the corporate prayer meetings.

I want to see God do things amongst us, that are unexplainable in human terms.

I want to see hope rise, faith rise, passion for Jesus rise, grace rise, mercy rise...love rise.

I want to see criticism and hurtful actions and comments go away...

Dont tell me it cant be done ?!

If you tell me it cant be done,

then you are telling me that God is limited and that it is impossible for Him, and I simply dont believe that.

I want to see the fire fall from heaven upon my church, my family, my life - in such a way as that it burns away all the sin, and fills people( myself included) with supernatural power, all encompassing passion for Jesus that turns things around... never the same again, kind of power.... the kind of power that causes people to fall to their knees in repentance and surrender...in submssion and reverance, that causes games to stop being played, and a key evidence of it will be a massive influx of people coming to Jesus to be saved.

Is it all a dream ?

all a fantasy ?

an illusion Or myth ?

is it just that God only did that back then and cant do it now ?

Is it that we will never see this kind of move of God ever again ?

No I dont think that is how it is....

I really believe, deep down in my heart... in the secret places of my spirit, I still long for this to occur in my life and ministry and a small part of me believes it can still happen again and will do one day and I hope to be in position that day when He does it, that I wont miss out on it.


I also believe that Jesus is coming back one day and will rescue us from our selves and this world of hatred and hurt and abuse, illness and violence....where people are mistread and abandoned and killed and left for dead. Where God is ignored and forgotten and disbelieved... and every other idol and god worshipped. The great plan of God will one day unfold before all eyes and every game that was ever played out in churches and in other places will be defeated and once and forever put to rest.

Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly...come now. Come today I pray.


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