May the new fur begin to grow on your legs.

This might appear as a strange blog entry but it is nevertheless very true for all of us...

Please read on...

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This little guy is very precious to our family... He hasn't been or had the best of health in his short life, but he is a happy dog and mostly

When we lived at Ringwood, our backyard was mostly concrete and as result of that "Caddy" had developed callouses on his legs from laying on the concrete all the time. 
He is only 3 years old so it's all he has ever known.

But since we moved to Cheltenham and he now has grass in the backyard, the strangest and nicest thing has started to happen, and only after a month... The callouses are starting to disappear and his fur is growing over them and through them. 

I love that by the way..

Here's what I have gleaned from this...

We are or can be, a product of our environment, in other words, who we hang with, what we do, ..where we live, can affect our being. We can become calloused if we are not careful.  It might be all we have ever known in our life.

Having a calloused heart isn't a good thing... Callouses are hard and ugly...

and so are calloused hearts... And mindsets.

Hard and ugly, and usually formed because of some reason to do with 
environment and atmosphere.  

The evidence is there to prove it... the evidence always proves it.

Where we live and who we do life with and how we adjust our thinking and mindset to the "circumstances in our lives".

I think we find ourselves becoming hard and cold and unmoved, when we have been hurt or damaged by others around us.. By our circumstances or environment ... Certainly that was true for Caddy.

But what is also pretty awesome, is..change the environment and circumstances and start to heal up.

The old saying is true... You will keep getting what you have already got if you keep doing what you are already doing...

We all know that is true... It is changing that ...which could be the real issue.

If you don't like what you have got in your life... If you find yourself calloused and cold, hard and brittle, cynical and skeptical and perhaps your life even sucks... Well you might need to get rid of the concrete around you. (And start living on the grass. (you know what I mean)

Caddy is a completely different dog... And I know we are not dogs but the analogy is still true.

If all we do each day is hang around with angry hurtful, bitter people, who damage our spirit... and we allow our hearts to be hardened, then it is a sure thing that is what we will always be.

So it's pretty obvious then, isn't it ?

Change the environment,  Change the atmosphere and remove the callouses.

Don't know if that makes sense to anyone today as you read this.. But it sure is true about our dog and I know it's true about the human heart and mindset.

Not sure how to do it ? For you ?

Happy to chat with you about how you can change things up for your life..

You can contact me here on the blog..
(make a comment...just dont be anonymous, I ignore anon comments)

Or email me at:

I would be most happy to walk with you and assist you and pray for you, in removing any callouses that you may have found in your heart.

May God bless you with healing in your life today and may the new fur begin to grow on your legs.


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