Risky Business - Go out on a limb, that's where the fruit is.

I am currently reading the biography, "My Journey so far - Andrew White" the Vicar of Baghdad.

It is a great read, complex in places and challenging in others, and to start this blog entry I quote from chapter 18.. A few quotes:

The chapter is titled: "Don't Take Care; Take Risks".

Andrew then goes on to quote President Jimmy Carter who said:

"Go out on a limb - that's where the fruit is ".

I love it...

We all know that the fruit that is best is hardest to reach ..it's out there, where it is hardest to pick.

I remember this apricot tree that used to be in my neighbours yard a few years ago... It's branches always hung over our back fence and I would go out and collect some of the fruit from our side of the fence, but I also noticed that the yummiest looking apricots were too high up the tree for me to reach (still on my side of the fence) but I couldn't get them...it was too risky.

As I read the first part of this chapter this morning it triggered me in some other thoughts, I have been thinking recently.

Why is it that we won't take risks anymore in our faith ?

And in our ministries ?

Is it because we are scared ?

Frightened of being shut down by the organization ?

Rejected by others who can't cope with non conformists ?

Why is that we seek to remain in the box ? When God may be calling us out of the box ?

In the box, it's relatively safe. You can do anything you want as long as you don't go out side these 4 walls.

We don't want you to look different to anyone else, we must all look the same and do the same thing and then we will all get the same results.

Well, in a way that's true.

The Big Problem with this is though, that if what we are all achieving is non productive and not growth and health, by living in this non risky safe environment of the box and its restrictions, then we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes and get the same results.

We all know it's insanity to think that by doing something the same way we might get a different result !

To get a different result you have to do things differently. It's Not rocket science.


At some point someone is going to have to break free of the restrictions and confines of the safety of this "box", take some risks and go out on a limb and get some fruit before it falls off the tree and dies.

Risk takers have found a way of functioning outside of their box. Cracking it open, being free to experiment and try new things, and you never know ..maybe just get a different result by being released to experiment outside of their box.

Here is what I know happens:

Outside the confines of the box, a whole new world awaits to be explored and experienced ... Maybe that's why we don't encourage box breakers, we don't want to lose them to the world ? !

Maybe the new experiences are seen as just too risky !? Too dangerous. Too different.

One thing I love about The Salvation Army, is our heritage, our foundations. We were founded by a man and a woman who were box breakers of their day. They were risk takers. They went out on a limb and achieved amazing results for Jesus on the earth. They got the fruit.

This foundation is what I love to live for. To make a difference. Not necessarily to conform. Or to be the same as everyone else. (it's precarious living with this mindset and often you get pushed back into the box)

Well, as you think about what I have been typing and quoting you might want to consider the little nagging feeling that you may have inside you to be a non conformist for Jesus.

His first disciples were exactly that, risking everything for Him and changing our world by their faithfulness and risk taking.


Yep it might cost you... And thats why many choose to just stay locked up in that box and safe.


But if you want to be true to yourself ... And willing to get out there and change things up, to be a box breaker, a risk taker, to go out on a limb and actually get the fruit, well you are going to have to make a choice..

You won't be popular and you might get yelled at, but you will in fact make a difference to the world.


There are a few around who have already done it...not many, but a few..

Mother Teresa, she did it.

Brian Houston, well he and Bobby are doing it.

William and Catherine Booth, yep they did it.

Billy Graham, well no question about the box he cracked open.

Brendan Nottle is giving it a huge crack for TSA in Australia right now.

Shane Baxter is doing it at Enjoy Church.

Rob Buckingahm is doing it around the corner from where I live right now in Melbourne.

And there are stacks of others as well...


Are you a box breaking, risk taking, go out on limb Christian ?


I want to be,and sometimes, I get squished back...

And I shrink back into the box, tail between my legs, lick my wounds and cry a little (well not really cry) and yep I get angry about it...

Mostly because I can see what can be achieved if I would just be a bit bolder and stay out of the box.

Well... Let's make a choice to go get some really ripe fruit from the harvest...

But first !!!!!

We are going to have to go out on a limb. ! Just sayin !





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