Go do it to them. ( you know you want to !!!!)

In the past days I have heard of a few people who have been hurt by the circumstances that they have found themselves in.

 I don't know how you feel when you get hurt, but often we want revenge, we want retribution to those who have hurt us, treated us unfairly ...

Usually it is because we feel that we didnt deserve what we got.    or...we deserved something we didn't get.  

 I think it could be human nature, at times, to want to see others get "what they deserve".  

 But when they get what they don't deserve, you know, the accolades, the recognition for something they didn't do, we get rather annoyed by that, and I think it might be even worse when someone gets the rewards for something that you did. It's just not fair.

 How many times have we seen it ?  I wonder whether it's ever happened to you ?

 There are a couple of my blog readers who this has happened to and in some ways this blog is about them, for them and to recognize them, and to validate them.  I can't mention names, because that isn't fair either.  

 However, they will know I am writing to them, as we have chatted about it already. ( kind of )

 What do you do when you feel cheated ?

When you feel ripped off ?

When someone steals your limelight ?

When someone takes the spotlight on something that you worked your tail off for ?

 What do you do when it feels like no one seems to acknowledge your efforts, or what you achieved ?  

When you are not thanked for your contribution ?

 When you are taken for granted ?

 Some of us will feel like walking away at that time. We will feel like giving it all in and blowing some pretty big raspberrys at a few people in the process, but it isn't really going to help that much.

It will leave you all twisted up on the inside, bitter and angry  and the only person that really damages is yourself. 

 So it's not the answer. 

 In some ways this blog entry is a bit of a preach, in other ways it is my attempt to help others work through some stuff.. And in some ways it is also true for myself.

 If we look for recognition and the applause of men, our efforts as Christians are often flawed.

 It seems obvious that we each should seek the applause of heaven and the recognition from our Heavenly Father, but somewhere inside our soul we still want to know that we have affected the human race in some way or the other. 

 I think we wouldn't be human if we didn't want to be recognized at some level for what we have achieved ...by our peers. 

 Recognition, awards, trophy's, certificates of appreciation, verbal applause, accolades  are all encouragements that we can give to one another to show the other person that we value them and appreciate their work and service. 

 Just about every organisation and business and school and thing on the earth recognizes this need to help others by building them up.

 I don't know about you, but I will surely work a lot harder when someone says to me..."what a great job you are doing" or "well done on doing that or this ", or  " Thankyou for what you did there "...

It seems to help others when we build them up instead of just telling them what they didn't get done right, or worse still, not saying anything at all.

 We all appreciate this stuff, even if we don't admit it...  

 The bible speaks about it .... "spurring one another on"..... 

 I think many Officers in TSA  and some pastors in the local church, could do with some validating of their ministry, some words of thanks and some recognition of their service on the earth from other humans ...

and yes we are all seeking the approval of heaven, but the truth is we all already have that anyway. God loves us no matter what. 

 So what does one do when the recognition simply doesn't come ?

 Do we crawl back into our shell and hide ?

Cry ourselves to sleep at night ?

Look for ways to get revenge ?

 NOPE !!!!!

 here's what I think we should do....

 We should look for ways to validate others.

 Look for ways to reward other's efforts.

 Look for ways to say Thankyou for what you did here or there.

 Look for someone else to acknowledge them and appreciate them.

 Imagine how different the world might look, or the church might look, if more of us did that for each other, rather than the ways we often tear each other down and/or hope that someone makes us look good, by doing something stupid themselves. ??

 So here is my challenge to you, and also to myself... 

 Validate someone today. ( and everyday)
 Appreciate them ...
 love on them,
 support them,
 encourage them,
 give them some public praise,
 throw some honour their way,

 Look for something that someone in your Corps or Church is doing well and go all out to bless and encourage them for what they did.

 Who knows it might just cause such a ripple effect in our churches that we might never be the same again.

 And finally....

 By the way ....!!!

  This is the way of heaven.  ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (and would it hurt any of us at all, in anyway shape or form ...to try and encourage our Officers and Pastors and Leaders in our churches ?

It will bless their socks off to know that we have acknowledged and appreciated their ministry and effort ) .........................................................................................................................................................................................                      

And to my friends who have been hurt ? In the past ?  For the one's carrying deep pain over this ?                                            

Well I can't change it, but I reckon one of the answers is.....                                                          

don't do to others what was done to you.                

 Go bless and acknowledge someone else today, by doing so, you may very well be released inside your own soul.                  


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