Stuck in a rut !!! Choose to get out !!!

I have done it and so have you ...and so has everyone else around you, even if they wont admit it they have,we all have. Its stupid and we feel stupid afterwards, at times we are embarrassed and ashamed, even disgusted in ourselves, and sometimes we feel trapped by it as well. can bet your bottom dollar that every single person on the planet has at one time or the other made a silly choice and stupid decision.

Whether it was the first drink of booze, and now you are an alcoholic, whether it was the first look at porn and now you are addicted to it, whether it was a silly relationship choice, or perhaps a wrong career path, maybe even you took something that didn't belong to you, and suffer the consequences of that one point in your life and certainly mine, we have all made a stupid mistake and now suffer the consequences of that choice.

You can be certain that every choice has a consequence... it always does, one way or the other.

There are a couple of other issues surrounding these choices... one is that we at times find ourselves in denial, no... I am not an alcoholic, no I am not addicted to anything, well... pull back the blinkers from your eyes, if you can't see a way out, then there is a good chance you are stuck in.  If you can't live a day or so without the booze or porn, or drug, or whatever it is, then there is a good chance you are locked in ...and the only way out, is to "choose" to be out.

For every bad choice, it can be rectified with a good choice.

When I was very young, I too, chose some things in my life which I have struggled with my whole life, and the only way out is to choose to be living it differently.

There is one other matter which must be addressed.

Why did we choose it in the first place ?

An escape ? A distraction ? Running away from the truth ?  Running away from a calling ? Running away from someone ? Or something ? Or what ?

When we are tired, or frustrated, or discouraged or even feeling sad, its in these times that often we find ourselves falling back into the addiction or rut. To try and alleviate our feelings of dismay or discouragement.

It isnt the answer.

By the way a good definition of a rut, is an open ended grave. Its no place to live. Graves are for dead people. Life is meant to be lived and to be lived to the max.

So finally, in this little bit of a serious blog entry... may I encourage you ..if you have found yourself stuck in a rut, one of the key ways to escape it, is to make choices that are opposite to what has led you there in the first place.

Know this, the only way to get a different result, is to change what you do.
Change the choices .... change the patterns, let go of the addiction, seek help doing so if needed, but change up the choices.

I can guarantee you, when you choose Jesus, for real !!!
Your life will never be the same again.

Why not just whisper a prayer right now and ask Him to help you and to come into your heart once again.

Its the best choice you could make.

By the way, if you need some help,  you can email me and or Facebook me and i will do my best to assist you. And to support you in changing up your choices. Or if not me, then get someone to help you.


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