When God whispers into your ear !

Earlier this week I attended a discipleship practicum in Harrington NSW, led by some Officers from Sydney, it was a good time, meeting Salvo Officers from QLD and NSW and spending some time with our Territorial Mission Resource Secretary (Major Graham Roberts -a great man of God) from Melbourne.

After a tumultous journey out of Melbourne and into Port Macquarie, what should have taken us 3 hours to get there, took us basically 12 hours.  So before we even started I was exhausted.

Anyway all that to just put into context the few days we had together in Harrington, culminating with a prayer and ministry time together on Tuesday night where words of Prophecy were spoken for various people in the room as well as very personal and meaningful prayer.

So what does one do when God speaks to you, deeply, intimately and timely through the words of prophecy ?  Well I think the first thing you do is pay attention . The second thing you do is work out what it means and how it applies to your present situation, and thirdly you thank Him for bothering to care enough to speak to you about where things are at.

I have a sneaky suspicion by the way, that He is speaking often, but we are not always ready and willing to listen. (just a thought).

A few of my friends have asked me to share what was spoken and whilst it is very personal  for me, I am happy to share for those interested and wanting to walk with me in my journey for and with Jesus.

So here it is...it's not long or too detailed...

2 key statements were spoken to me...

The first, will be a bit strange to others, but to me, it made perfect sense. It involved a road, a long and straight road. This road had loads of side roads. Distractions. Detours. Options. The words spoken called me to stay on the straight road, and to ignore the distractions, and not to take any detours. To not look for options. To stick at it and keep on track.  

The second was Zechariah 9:12

Which says:

“Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.”

I didnt take this for one moment to mean that I needed to go back to Perth Fortress, my home church, but rather...return to the fortress of my faith. To be reminded that I am indeed a prisoner of Hope, actually, I am a Messenger of Hope (it was our sessional name in training to be Officers). But for me the depth of meaning was about the restoration bit, twice as much than what I have lost.

I am not going to go into any detail here, but I have felt, and am well aware, that I have lost a fair bit of momentum in my ministry life and experience, and a big chunk was taken from me, and in this prophecy spoken,  that was broader than just these words of Zechariah, that what I have lost is going to be twice given back.

As the words were spoken I teared up, and became emotional, for it spoke into my very core.

I claim it as my own.

So that's about it. It will mean nothing to anyone else, but it has enormous ramifications for me.

So listen up, God speaks to His kids today, still.. He loves us and cares about us deeply.

His plans are still by far the best plans.

If you haven't heard from Him in a while, why not simply just ask Him to speak into your situation and then make sure you are watching and listening as He responds to you, with His quiet still and powerful voice.

It is not coincidental by the way, that 2 days previously, I saw an eagle, the first one in nearly 2 years, just saying.



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