Why oh why oh WHY ???? --there is some nasty stuff on this earth.

Many people who know me well would know that Eagles have a very important place in my life. I have many times shared this, either on my blog or on facebook or personally, and also from within some sermons. 
 I apologise to those who think I may be a stuck record, and I certainly do not apologise, to those who may criticize me for the way in which I live my life, and the way in which God speaks to me through these most majestic birds of prey.
This all started for me a very long time ago. God has used these creatures that He created to communicate promise and blessing as well as confirmation and  assurance of His touch upon my life.
There was this one guy,(sadly a retired officer) who let rip at me about this, saying stupid things like it was a form of idolatry and some other stupid word he used.  
I reject that completely, so don't go down that track if you have bothered to read this blog right now.

One of the key times I was first impacted by the presence of an eagle, was not long after I had endured the stress of the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania. It was one of the most horrendous times of my life, so many people were killed that day and I found myself in the middle of it, ministering to a devastated hurting community and trying to offer peace and hope.

So in the weeks following  and my first trip back down to Port Arthur after the event, as I drove the back roads heading down there, wondering what on earth I was supposed to say to these incredibly sad and hurt people, - I sensed God speak to me and say to me He would give me the words to speak.
As I turned a corner, there hovering very close to the road at eye level were 2 majestic Wedge Tail Eagles just hanging in the air right near me. No one else was around, so I stopped and took it all in and allowed God to minister to my soul as he reminded me of Isaiah 40:31...

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.  (NLT)

He renewed my heart and soul that day. He used those Eagles then to re-inforce the message  directly downloaded into my being. It was a key powerful event in my lfie and no one can ever take it away from me.

I have had countless exposure to these kinds of events.  Seriously hundreds of them. Bizarre, uncanny and sometimes downright confronting, but every single time I have sensed God there with me.

One other event I will share, is the time when we closed the gates at Craigieburn Corps after 12 years of planting and ministering in that community and building that fine church for Jesus.  We had been moved on and it was a sad day, for us, and a day that we always knew would eventually come. It was time to move on.  As I got out of the car to lock the gate, I turned around, and as I did, 3 wedge tail eagles came soaring around the building and hovered right above my head and the car park of the church about 50 feet up. I called to Jules to come and look , and together we stood at the gates of the church, cried our heads off, hugged each other tightly, and allowed this promise, from God..... that all would be ok for us moving forwards, was in fact a promise from God for us in that moment.   The eagles were there for a few moments and then flew away and simply disappeared. 

Eagles are very important to me.

Can you imagine then my total despair when I hear that some cruel individual in the country, (my ministry area right now),  kills 136 of them and their carcasses are found on the ground ?

I was in shock when I was told and read the article, horrified and devasted and deeply sad. It messed with my head, it still is. 
You see every time I face struggle or hardship or a new venture or a promise needs to be given to me, then an eagle will appear, and lately there have been few sightings for me when I am on the road in my area of South East Victoiria. 
I have wondered why...and now I know why, they have been mostly killed off. 
I only heard about this yesterday by the way, and I struggled so much to sleep last night, it felt personal to me.

For me it's a horror story. !!!!!
So that leads me to why I am blogging tonight.
As I drove to the country again this morning and was pondering the spiritual implication of this for me personally,  ...humour me, I posed a number of potential issues/questions in my head..
Was God punishing me ?
Was God trying to say to me, you dont need eagles ?
Was God saying my dreams are dead ?
What was He saying ?  was it even Him ?
And then, bang like a lighting bolt it hit me.... there is so much evil in the world its everywhere, and bad people do bad things and Satan doesnt like me and wants to destroy my dreams and hopes and promises and what better way than to destroy the very promise vehicle that God uses to communicate with me deeply ...and further more, right bang in the middle of my ministry arena. ?
In this area I have started cranking up the prayer base with our churches, and started praying against the enemy of the cross, it seems to me, clearly (even if no one else agrees, I dont care whether anyone agrees or not...actually) Satan has it in for me and my family and will do everything to destroy all hope or any hope I have left.
Its always been like that, but it has hit me right between my eyes this time and it hurts like crazy.  That what God uses to bless and encourage and build up, the enemy uses to destroy and rob us of our joy and hope, and he hurt me big time yesterday.

So what Now ?

My relationship with Jesus isn't based on an eagle. It is based upon an inner faith and core belief that God loves me and I love Him. That He has called me to His purposes and to lead others to Him.  
God commands the earth still. 
He commands the birds of the air. 
He commands the animals on the land, and He will find a way to speak into my life's  promise and hope once again, I know it. 
I just know it.

Satan has hit us over and over and over again, in various ways, but I don't live to serve Him, I have fallen trap to him many times and every time, I mean every single time.... I go back to God, I apologise for my mess and failure and get back on the right road every time. 

why ?

Coz I am a child of God, the son of the King and I have a destiny in Him and a design for my life based upon Him and no one, no cruel barbaric act or enemy of the cross can ever take it away from me  - ever.
just sayin !!!!!
Those poor eagles never deserved that, and it really isnt my complete fault for their demise... 
but just let it be known, that whilst 136 of the promises may be removed, 
it doesn't change the foundation of my faith, not built on eagles, 
but built on Jesus Christ.
My strength will return... Coz my hope is in Jesus Christ.


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