The Eagle....and God ..... and Me.

Today on my way home from church, there were 2 Wedge Tail Eagles catching the thermals above our car...

It is always special to me, and I have written about it before.... But this is important in my started for me some 24 years ago in our first appointment in Tasmania and it has never stopped.

Whenever God wants to get my attention, remind me of His close presence... or reassure me that He is about to do something around me.... there is always an eagle close by. (I will get to that in a minute)

I have kind of gone off blogging  a bit, as Facebook allows you to write long posts that satisfy my desire to share my thoughts online...  we are all allowed to do that.... we are all permitted to have our own opinions on matters in this world.... and I guess from time to time some of our opinions upset those around us. 

That is not my intent.

My intent has always been to try and get my readers to ponder the truth of Jesus Christ for their own lives... I was gob samcked the other day when I checked in on my blog to see it had had...over 60,000 hits... So I guess I feel like its time to blog again.....

So let me give you a glimpse of my world over these past months....

I have become an Area Officer in The Salvation Army and as such have worked closely with a group of churches (Corps) and mission expressions in TSA in South East Victoria. This is a privilege and blessing most of the time, but for some of the time over the past months it has been an incredible challenge. It has stretched me, threatened me, hurt me... caused me sleepless nights and worry, and it has strengthened my prayer life.  (that's good right ?)

When news comes to my attention that things have gotten a bit more challenging... these are times when I try to help where I can, and I pray harder... but I also am on the lookout for answers from my prayers, and that's where the eagles usually arrive, like they did today.  

Now don't be confused, I don't go looking for them, it's like they come looking for me. 
AND that is super special.

These majestic creatures, remind me of a spiritual truth, that is about soaring through life, rising above the storms, facing them head on even... having crystal clear eagle vision about what is ahead, and allowing the thermals of God's Spirit to carry me higher and higher....

God sends me these birds..... at pivotal times in my life and when I need them.
It is not a regular occurrence lest I get too familiar with them. It is rare, I like it this way.

Today, after, a challenging week, 2 majestic Wedge Tails.... just popped into my vision.  

God is close by , He is my rock and I rely upon Him alone.... and love it when He and I communicate through  His created vessel of an eagle.

A number of years ago Hillsong church released this beautiful song... (check out a version of it on youtube.. here...  if you want to)
the words go like this...

Here I am waiting, abide in me, I pray
Here I am longing for You
Hide me in Your love, bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more and more

Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings

Here I am waiting, abide in me, I pray
Here I am longing for You
Hide me in Your love, bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more and more

Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings

My desire in life is to rise above the things that disturb and distract me and to keep rising, In HIM...for HIM, by HIM....

I have not always been successful in this, and those that know me the best, my closest friends and family know how far I can fall flat on my face from time to time...  I hate that about myself, just saying.... but then there are days like today when I am reminded that God has not finished with me just yet.   

That I have been called for purpose..... and whilst my life has crazy ups and downs, I am chosen by the King of Kings for HIS plan for my life.

I think the eagles come to remind me of this.

I am not looking for comments or praise, for affirmation or anything, but this is my life and whilst I don't always seem to get it right for everyone around me, it is  my hope and prayer that I will rise high enough in JESUS that one day my influence in other peoples lives will draw them to ponder the love of Jesus and His Plan for their lives also. to trust Him with every ounce of their being also.

It's a good plan.

In my life, so far.... Ministry has thrown us challenges that ..if I was to be truthful, some of which I wish I hadn't had to face...  we Spent 5 years in Tasmania, then 12 years planting an amazing church in Melbourne, and then 3 years at Ringwood, and then a few one year stints leading us to this role we serve in presently.

In every role, and in every situation along those 24 years....God has sent me an eagle promise for ministry, life, family, challenges and victories.

I love it that His forever, is my forever, and that it has no limits.... 

His love is unlimited and not defined by my falling flat on my face or rising hugely into the sky.... 

His love for me, "forever" is never ending and because of that love I am compelled to keep serving Him with the best that I have got.

Even when I am questioning, doubtful, discouraged and dissillusioned....  its often in these very times that the eagle arrives and reminds me...

Gary Grant...  God says....  I called you....  I have a purpose for your life..... I know about your failures and weakness, and Love you anyway.

Go do...  Go be  who I called you to be.

An Eagle Christ  Follower.

Maybe, just Maybe He is saying the same thing to you today.

Just my thoughts for this winter night in June 2019.


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