Church ..What exactly is it ? A short thought !!!!

Over these past years I have visited many churches. I have led church, I have been a local pastor and now I am regional pastor..if you like to call it that.

Recently as I have  been visiting some churches, I have found myself a bit lost.  Hardly anyone talks to you, and when they do in the non Army settings, its just hello... really, no meaningful engagement at all.

When I visit Corps ( Army churches ) they do speak to me sometimes, but really because they know who I am.

here is what I think...

When you turn up in a church, you should expect to encounter Jesus Christ. You should expect that if you bring a pre saved friend with you, that they are going to hear about Jesus and His love for them and everyone else also.

AND...most importantly of given an opportunity to meet Jesus and be saved....right there.

If that isn’t happening in your church, then I seriously question what your church is about.

Many churches have become places of performance and self congratulation.

It has to be done well, or people wont come....  my take on that is ... yes it has to be done well, but the key issue is the presentation of Jesus Christ in every single service, the opportunity to respond in every service, in any way you choose...but at least an opportunity given.

The preaching, the greeters, the ushers, the car park attendants, the very church congregation itself.... everyone.... every time.... always.

How incredibly sad, that if a person visits a church for the first time...and the one and only time, that the church misses the mark in presenting Jesus to that person and it was their last opportunity to hear about HIM.

It’s incredibly urgent.
It’s incredibly important.

If it isn’t about Jesus, in every service.... what is it actually about ?

It isn’t about the music and how well we play it.... it isn’t about our uniforms and how neatly they have been ironed. It isn’t about our eloquence of voice when we sing, or even preach.... it isn’t about a history lesson or even a theological debate. It is about Jesus and having a relationship with HIM.

Now I know some will say that our churches are actually all about Jesus and I truly believe that most churches do their level best to present Him.... but I also contend, that in some places I have seen, that whilst Jesus is preached, little follow up is done after the service, people in the church are not speaking about Jesus in their everyday conversation and as a result of that, it seems... (and I say it seems) is that all we have become is a great big social club, where if you look the part and turn up, then you are in.

We (the modern church) seem to have lost our urgency and passion for the gospel, evidenced by our casual attitude towards prayer and the battle that must be waged in the heavenly realms.

If you think I may be over generalizing this... do a self check for your church.

Are new people turning up ? What do you do with them when they turn up ? Will they hear a clear concise message about Jesus at your church ? Will they leave at the end of the service thinking they have been in a concert ? Will they hear about the importance of praying together ? Will they be saved at your church ? Will  that happen by intention or by accident ?

Well these are just my thoughts ....

seriously folks, when it is all said and done ... it is still all about Jesus and His claim upon our lives.

If there is a hole in your soul, it can only be filled with the love and mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.

That’s what it is truly all about.  And if it isn’t ...then it should be.


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