A controversial post ? Doubt it !

The Guilt of leaving a crisis...
The other day I needed to leave Bairnsdale and the relief centre for the fires..and I left behind a group of people still serving. 

I felt guilty about that.

I also noticed others going through similar feelings of needing to be present and active amongst the trauma situations.

I am guessing at times we all feel like that. 
I could have, should have, would have....

But none of us are super human and if we go too hard for too long we will all crumble and then others have to pick it up anyway.

Why is it we cant live balanced lives ? 
Why is it that we live with this guilt and almost a savior complex ?

Like the situation will be better if we are there ?

I think deep down inside of us each we want to help others.
I think its because we want, deep down, to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem.
(Just my thoughts no expert advice here)

The problem is, if we work too hard for too long, we get grumpy and careless and start damaging the very ones we were trying to help in the first place.  I have observed that first hand.

I reckon there will be countless times in our lives where we get opportunity to serve and care for others, and there will also be countless times when we will need someone to do that for us as well.

The true wisdom comes in knowing when to back off, and allow others to step up, and relieve us. Knowing when to be served by allowing others to serve and assist us in the situation we find ourselves in.

Over the past couple of weeks I have also observed some pretty crazy caring folks.... people sacrificing holidays to serve others, to help... to be a part of the solution somehow...doing what they can.. these people are hero’s in my book.  

But even they know that the human body can only take so much before it in fact crumbles under stress and strain.  

So ministry, and service and caring requires balance and wisdom and most of us will take our whole lives to work that out.

Is it so controversial to also say that in the middle of these situations we find jealousy arise ? Where we find some folks saying and doing things that are a bit mystifying ?  

It’s not your job, get out of the way, etc etc.

Humanity is an interesting thing isn’t it ? Brings out the best, and brings out the worst in people just like me, and maybe just like you.

When you walk with people through their crisis you find often, that an honest and true relationship forms. Folks share their lives with you and its a privilege beyond belief to be a listening ear and a caring voice. 

To do what you can when not much can be done.

To pat their dogs, give them a drink, cry and laugh with them... walk with them for a bit, find a bed for them, help look after their pets, get them some food, and be the hands and feet of Jesus ... its not a cliche, its the truth of Christianity.

In the good and the bad and the ugly, its nice to see true care. Thankyou to my friends in the The Salvation Army who have served in these past weeks and will continue to serve in the coming weeks.

But also thankyou to those others who have served who are not Christian.  

Life will go on for most of us and its up to each of us how we live it out.

I encourage balance and rest in the middle of the stress.

Yes there is work to be done.... and we will do it better together than trying to do it alone. The situation in Australia right now with these fires is very hard for any of us to understand, but when we stand together, work together, allow each other’s gifts and strengths to be utilized, then we will make a difference to our world, that will make sense. It’s how God created us.

Let’s learn from this, let’s keep praying through this, and Let us never forget, that ultimately everyone of us, no matter what title we have, or label placed upon us, no matter what role we work in presently, we are each and everyone a child and servant of the Most High God,  and He is the key reason why we do what we do.

We are The Salvation Army... The Army of Salvation, a group of people committed to see people saved and set free for Jesus Christ and that is the main thing.

Bless you today as You serve Him.


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