The General Scheme of things !!!

There are a lot of things that matter to a lot of people in this world.

We all know it, and know it even more the moment we upset someone’s apple cart.

But I wonder if you have thought about what really matters at the very core of your being !?

I got to thinking about this tonight, and I guess, the older I get the more  I think through some of these things at a different level than I have before.

I do turn 60 in a few weeks... I know its impossible to believe right ? I dont look a day over 40... 😳 

Yeah puzzling I know !!!!!!!

Anyway... what are the things that really matter in life ... it’s not the shirt I wear, the footy team I follow, or the job I have, the car I drive or the color of that car, it isn’t about whether I feel like I have been treated unfairly or forgotten...its not about the friends I have or don’t have...  it isnt even really about my family, as precious as they are to me...

No when everything is stripped away in the general scheme of things, all that matters really.,.... is my relationship with God. 

He created me, the Bible says, He knit me together in my mothers womb... and it is He who  I  will one day return to when I die.

So...for me, in trying to keep things real, even if only in my own mind... 

when I consider the events of this new year, and let’s face it, none of us expected 2020 to start the way it has for us all...

bushfires, floods, cyclones, crazy diseases, volcanoes and every other crazy thing going on... I am carried by a hope that when all is said and done,  its all about Jesus.  

My hope is that I will live with Him for eternity....joining my parents and others who have already entered that place.

Today when at the local shopping centre, I noticed people wearing masks, living in fear and panic.... it is normal for people to feel like this, and causes you to consider your own safety.... we must all do what we can do to protect ourselves and others...

But...In the General Scheme of Things..on this earth, I don’t live only for this earth, I have been called by Jesus to live for Jesus and do what I can to help others do that also.

The earth can be a frightening place at times...but Jesus told us to take heart for He has already overcome the world.

Being connected to Him allows me a divine inheritance that can only be provided by Him.

Why anyone wouldn’t choose that I dont know why ...

So, turning 60 soon makes me realize I have around 7 years of active Salvation Army Officership remaining (God willing).... and I want to use those years to make a difference  on the earth for the sake of heaven.

To do my bit to bring influence for help others  find Him in deeper ways...for us all to pray a little more fervently, to live lives of worship and to Praise God with the way we behave .....and in our churches.

It is my desire to live out the rest of my life for Jesus like I have tried to for the past umpteen years.

Just my thoughts on this balmy February night in Melbourne.


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