One month in.... what Is God saying !!!???

(I placed this pic in for varying reasons... and those who have read this will know why)

Well its basically been a month with this incredible change in our routine and living.

I know it has not been easy for many, and I personally haven’t found it easy either, but I can honestly say so much has changed for me personally in that month. 

I am not going to bore you with all the change in my daily routine, but I will tell you that my spiritual quiet time has doubled, and that just causes me to ponder, if my prayer life and study of the Word and worship has been limited because of my busy-ness. 

Because now I am not quite so busy I have more time to pray....and that is an amazing thing isnt it ?

We have lots of time to think, and ponder life, and I truly do wonder if anything will change for us in the long term... if honest, I reckon we will all just fall back into the ruts we were living and functioning in, 

oh yes we will be grateful for a routine to be returned, but it makes me feel very sad that some will return to a powerless Christianity experience, one that is just going through the motions .... doing the duty stuff, looking the part....and appearing to be something, that deep down doesn’t exist.  

This is the scariest thing of all.  And I actually believe it is what God is challenging in us these days by allowing covid19 to have entered the world.

Many of us have questioned where is God in this.   Many of us have prayed and joined with others for God to stop it.  But up until now...nothing, so what is He wanting from us ? 

I actually believe that He is asking us to re-evaluate, take stock of our spiritual life, stop  and rest and renew and be every level...personally, corporately as churches, ministries, families, career....

You may not agree, and you don't have to... these are just my thoughts.

But one can hardly argue that we are still in a seriously dangerous situation at all levels, physically, spiritually, financially. 

One month in...maybe many more months to go yet.... so what will you do with your own life ? Will you crumble or cruise ?  Will you rise up and be revived or will you allow yourself to slip back into a rut of whatever ?

I have many thoughts about what I see around me, above, below, alongside... I have many questions as to who we actually are in the middle of the mess. What kind of leadership is given, what kind of leadership I will give..... 

So here is my answer about me... and others need to work it out for themselves....

Understanding that true leadership is really just influence.

I will endeavor to give spiritual leadership in my area of influence.

I will not be the business or corporate leader...Just giving instruction in how to work or get the stuff done.  NO!

I will try and lead by example, by praying first and asking others to pray also.

I will try and lead by influencing those around me to crank up their Christian walk. It is primary to who we are and it must be challenged and encouraged and modeled and that must come first before anything else. It must never be assumed that this will happen on it's own... it hasn’t before the lockdown.   Spiritual leadership(influence) is what is needed.... and I will try and be that leader.

I believe that is what God is asking of us these days....lead ....influence for Him with a strong spiritual mindset.

Jesus is coming again, no doubt of it... the world has never seen anything like this .... and we must get the world ready for Jesus.  First and foremost .   

Of that there is no question.

And finally can I say... that this isnt just about TSA, but about everything that is Christian... but mostly myself... and I guess if the cap fits, maybe its about you also.

I truly believe that Jesus is the hope of the world, and He calls His church, His bride to be the hope of the world also, as we are in union with Him.
A church that is fair dinkum sold out on Jesus and cant shut up about Him.

First before anything and everything else.


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