The Injured seagull.

Yesterday Jules and I travelled around 7 -8 hours on the road just checking in briefly with our Officers in the Gippsland region of our Area. The day before we also checked in on the Officers of the Mornington peninsula ...most were very pleased to see us, even though from around 3 metres distance.  It was a crazy day, a day I have not driven as far for a very long time... around 500-600 kms yesterday... it got me thinking as we start to self isolate from each other and start to think creatively how we can still minister and serve suffering humanity.

Which is seriously suffering right now.

None of us are immune from this insidious virus, threatening death to any might succumb to it.

but as Christ followers our faith and hope is not found on this earth, it is found in Jesus and the future that awaits His children is an eternal hope in heaven, free of fear, free of tears, free of pain and suffering ... full of peace and hope and love and grace.

Jules and I stopped for fish and chips at Phillip island on our way home after that long day yesterday... and as we sat peacefully eating our hot chips, yep...the seagulls came ... hungry and hovering about just hopeful for a hot chip.

Have you ever noticed, that in a crowd (?) flock (?) of seagulls there are usually a couple that stand out... one who is dominant and tries to scare every other seagull away... and there is another one that is injured and hops around hopeful.  He is the one that I always want to give a chip to. the one struggling. The one injured. the one that seems to struggle in the group.

There is a metaphor for us in life right there in the seagulls.

Some are dominant around us and seem to want to walk all over everyone else.
Some others around us are injured and hurting and are struggling to survive.

But just like seagulls we are all ultimately just looking for a hot chip from a caring human nearby.

Not everyone appreciates the gestures of the hot chip giver... thats life isn't it ?

But nevertheless  I think we need to find ways to give a hot chip to those hungry seagulls.

Remember its just a metaphor I don’t see humans as seagulls...

But let me tell you what I do think about life as I conclude this little blog entry for the first of April 2020.

All of us are hungry for a snippet from the master... we all need and want a hot chip.

We are all faced with dominant people around us that want to push their way over us and step on us to get their way. And sometimes..well maybe only me at least, I feel injured and struggle in this life, I feel like I may never get that illusive hot chip, that I might be overlooked and missed... well.... and by some humans this is true...


Not by Jesus.  Not by who matters most.  Not by the creator of my being. Not by the master of my soul... He never forgets the least of us... 

He doesn’t forget me, or neglect me, or walk on by past me...He never abandons me, or writes me off, He is always faithful and true and kind and always always seeks me out, He always gives me more than just one hot chip...He gives me the whole pack of chips, more than I could ever need.

My hope is in Him.

In these days of personal isolation and desperation...I hope you find your renewed purpose and are personally revived and find Jesus afresh for your own life.

May He bless you deeply inside your heart mind and soul today.


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