You don't have to agree.. however, the truth is the truth.

The Saturdays roll around so fast these days... it is all a bit of a blur, the days blend into each other and in many ways it feels like time seems to be moving faster than it used to.

(please remember these are my thoughts about life and my opinions only...they don't reflect upon who I work for etc... )

My big fears these days centre around lost opportunity and complacency.... watching what is happening around me, looking at people who seem to thrive and others who are distraught.

Organizations that are crumbling and others doing incredibly well. It’s interesting to observe.

For me .... I feel like my life has been refining and being renewed and I am well aware that not for everyone it has been like that, but I really do think its a  choice. 

I decided to make a choice a number of weeks ago that I would use this time to tidy a few things up in my life... my goals... my spirit and that’s what has happened, and I am feeling more confident about who I am personally these days... and I have a clearer view of my life...there is clarity about my calling and what God originally called me to be and do, and even though there have been humans around me that have stunted that at times, and yes I have allowed that to happen...stupidly, but nevertheless the clarity has returned to me... and I am fully aware of why I do what I do and why I am who I am.

In many ways I have allowed others to shape my calling and in some ways lost my way, thinking my life was more about human tradition or pleasing other humans more than Godly design for my life.

That needs to change and it wont make me popular, well not with other people at least...  but God has my undivided attention and even if that puts me at odds with other people be it.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt the only way forward was to please the people around you ? Above you ?  next to you ?   And they put a knife in your back anyway ?  

Life has a habit of dishing up that kind of stuff, people get side swiped and overlooked and forgotten and there are times when it feels like as long as you are a “yes” person, doing what everyone else expects or asks of you, then that is fine and that is where you find meaning. ??

Well God didn’t ask that of me.... 

I remember a long time ago when I sensed God calling me and an opportunity came up for me to go and serve, then folks within the church called me a traitor...for leaving them etc....and that hurt hugely, however, nevertheless, God ministered deep within my heart and mind and things were fine...over time God has a habit of making all things new.

What am I getting at... ?

When this is all over, this COvid thing, life may go back to some kind of normal .... even if it is a new normal, but who will I be in that ?    Who will you be in that ?  

I don't want to go back to the old ways, I want my life to remain in this new “tidied” up state.

I don’t really want to be a people pleaser, I want to be a God pleaser, and that might put me at odds with those around me.

I have experienced too much now for me to return to the old ways that have lost their oomph and meaning... I don’t want to just go through the motions and look the part, ....NOPE.

I want the supernatural power of God flowing through my veins, coming out of mouth, causing my heart to pump and my mind to be sharp.

Not everyone wants this and recognizing that can be hard.... and at times it has been hard for see that not everyone wants Jesus active in their hearts.  Some are seemingly comfortable with just having a historical a view of Him.  Not me thanks.

I want the relationship with Him stronger than it has ever been and even stronger still.

I have a way to go.

The truth is... Jesus came, he was born as a baby lived His life as a man, grew up and died for our sins, and then rose again and sent His Holy Spirit to His followers and offers that freedom and new life to all humans on the planet still.

I choose Him.
I choose Him over every man made “thing”.

Even though I get to enjoy life these days with created things, strip it all away and only He remains for me.

I look around me at times and see people making life about what it wasn’t meant to be made about. 

In the church, It is not about us looking good. It is not about performance to each other. It is not about the applause of others. It is not how nice I look, or tidy my clothing is.  It is not about the fancy lights, or quality of the online streaming, or the size of my waistline.  It is not about the big divide in society that we see....

Let me tell you what it is all about (in my view)

It is all about Jesus Christ being honoured in my life, in our gatherings, online or otherwise, and out of that honour and priority, everything else flows. And everything else finds its way and meaning. 

People who are hurting and marginalized and abandoned, people who have been side swiped and forgotten and hurt and damaged .... people who society has overlooked, well they find love and acceptance and mercy as Christians share Christ with them.  

Thats what I was called to do and be. A Jesus man. 

And if it is about performances...then It is about performing to an audience of one. 

And only ever one.  


we must speak about Him more.... we must lift Him up higher, we must always have Him on our lips before everything and anything else.

And in the words of John....of the Bible.

He must become greater and I must become less.

The picture above...see’s a man standing out in the crowd, worshipping without fear, criticism or shame.... thats who I want to be...  unashamedly full on for Jesus.

Who do you want to be ?


  1. Well said, keep speaking this truth, it is empowering and helps give us the kick in the butt we sometimes need. I thankyou for your honesty in your blog, and sharing more of your heart.


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