Audacious... Gutsy.... Faith Filled.... gonna be a bit vulnerable here !

I got thinking what would it really mean to pray big ?

Does it mean shouting your prayers ? Screaming out in faith from the rooftops of our homes ? Or standing on a mountain and shouting out the prayer and awaiting an echo to capture it ?

For my mind, being audacious in prayer means praying a risky prayer....  praying for a person to be saved, praying for a situation to be resolved, praying for something that might look impossible to human eyes, understanding that God is not limited in His power and ability.

Christian faith rises when the answers come, even in ways we don't expect them to be answered.

Have you ever documented your answers ?......

I think its good to remind yourself of what God has done, so that you might have more faith to ask for even greater things, more audaciously.

God has been so faithful to me over the years... ( this is the vulnerable bit.. for a few reasons, there will be some who will criticize and doubt these truths, but I guarantee you...this all happened as I state)

Here are a few of the answers that have come my way, our way as we have prayed...

  • The time He delivered a young girl in our youth group from a demon. Right before our eyes, 10 of us.
  • The time He healed my daughter right in front of us, miraculously as our Corps Officers prayed over her.
  • The time He allowed me to speak in a language I didn’t understand, as Praise and Glory filled my car as I drove home.
  • The time He visited my lounge room while I prayed, the supernatural tangible presence of mercy and love and grace.
  • The time He removed a damaging presence from our church, as we had prayed for a change and God gave us that change.... in fact that has happened a few times, and in a few of our churches over the years.
  • The time He saved a person in our church after we had prayed and preached. The strangest thing though, this person couldn’t speak English or understand English, but got saved anyway and it was super special to watch as supernatural power took over this guys life.
  • Then there were times when we went to pray in the high places over our community and discovered a witches coven, and we destroyed it with Gods love and grace and power, The times when our whole church committed to Christ after we had prayed, the times when supernatural power flowed in the room when our leaders prayed...
I am sure you get it...

It’s been a super big ride as a Christian leader over these past 30 something years. 24 years as an Officer and 8 years before that as a youth pastor.

Yes its true that I have also had times when I have not seen answers to my prayers, as I would have hoped... and some of those times I am still praying for.  And I am still believing for the answers to come.

So here is the bottom line truth, for me, maybe for you too....

Why pray small ?  Why wouldn’t you go to God with the huge asks ? The big risky requests ?  What do we have to lose by asking ?

What  do we have to gain ?   

Faith is what we gain !!!  Strength and spiritual muscle and growth in our witness and belief.
There is a lot to gain by praying big.

Just saying.


Go and pray.... huge big audacious prayers, and watch God do the supernatural in your life, that what you think is impossible.... is VERY possible for our God.

He is an awesome God.

And write it down and remember our Mighty God..... remember His goodness and love and mercy and grace...for He saved us when we were lost.  
The biggest answer of all.


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