Open Our Blinkin’ Eyes !!

I attended a prayer meeting last night... it was good.  

Only 5 of us present, but God was with with us and that makes it all worthwhile.

We have a problem in the modern church... we are blind.  We have eyes but we can’t really see.

We have ears but we cant seem to hear.

We need to open our blinkin eyes and see what is going on around us.

Now let me spell this out for you...there are policies being made by governments all around the world including our own, that are leading us to a point of no return.

The Bible says that this will happen in the last days, as people turn away from God. As children turn away from their parents, and parents from their children. 

Now I guess we can’t expect a non Christian government to adopt Christian policies and character, and in some ways, what we can expect, is for the exact opposite to occur which is in fact what is happening, and especially in Victoria right now.

The moment you get political by the way, you alienate at least a half of your readers... and that’s a risk

 ...but I will say I am a Christ follower and that comes with a whole pile of ramifications that I have chosen to try and live by, even if it makes me unpopular to a few.

here’s the problem.... many Christians seem to be trying to sit on the fence, dangling our legs in the water and trying to not get wet.  If you are a Christ follower ..the Bible is your truth... and Prayer is your Defence.  

So why not pray with others in prayer meetings ?????????????

How could we be so blind to what we need to be and to do as a Christian ? 

How could we have become so complacent and lethargic when it comes to the most important aspect of our life ? Our spiritual destiny in Christ ?

Yeah go and say it, Gary’s on his band wagon again...and YES YES YES I am..... I don’t understand why anyone who professes to love Jesus and has given their life to Jesus, why that person wouldn’t turn up at a prayer meeting and for one hour pray with, and worship with, other like minded people trying to change the world.  I DONT GET IT .

the Bible says that in the last days... a lot of things will characterize the earth... personally I can see a whole lot of that right now, but for me sadly I see it in the church and that bothers me so much.

People (maybe you, maybe not).... walking around eyes closed to the signs of the times... eyes closed to the call of God to be a praying people.... eyes closed to the call to go and make disciples, and by the way that just got a whole pile harder in our country and state of Victoria.

I think it is critical that we care for people, that we provide food for the hungry and support along the journey of life, BUT if we are not also speaking about Jesus, if we are not also shouting HIS name from the rooftops and leading people to HIM, then we have failed .... and I don't know ...maybe I am ignorant, but I don’t see that so isn’t trendy to shout out about Jesus...and it does seem to be trendy to do all the other stuff.... well, here’s another truth for us eyes half closed folks of 2021...

A lot of the churches are diminishing....growing smaller... not just ours...and there are reasons for that.


Is Jesus Real ?

Is God real ?

Is Jesus coming again ?

Is heaven real ?

Is hell real ?

Well, what do you believe ?  

Do you think it is possible to have your cake and eat it too ? 

To dabble in the worlds ways and still think a compromised life will be ok before God ? 

 Is that what you think ? 

That its ok to sin, that God will accept that without  confession and repentance ?  

That righteousness and holiness are antiquated ways relegated to history and not relevant anymore ?

Is the Bible’s truth, that at one time in your life you believed not relevant anymore because the world changed its view ?  

Oh such dangerous times.....or such exhilarating times..... 

My prayer is...seriously that we will open our blinkin eyes to the signs of the times, and dig in even deeper as Christians and live it out.... that our prayer meetings will start to grow and people will be saved. 

I pray our concerts get smaller and our prayer meetings get huge. 

As we so called Christ followers start to live it out seriously and crank it up for the Kingdom.

Well I am going to keep trying.

What about YOU !!!?


When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory.

Imagine this... Jesus is coming again the Bible says...He will come to the earth and take His people home, the praying people who have calloused knees from praying .... the worshippers who have sung their hearts out to Jesus ( not to each other )....the people who have worn out and tired bibles from being read so much and underlined.,.. dog eared from wear and tear, and not dusty from lack of use... the battered and bruised from standing strong amidst fierce opposition. The ridiculed and criticized, the lonely because they have been abandoned due to their faith.....

Imagine the empty churches when Jesus takes us home... caught up in that number.

One day our world will see an even more amazing event than a pandemic...

What will they say then ?  What will you say then ? Where will you be ?

It’s time to open our blinkin eyes.


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