
Presently I am being frustrated by a number of things.

In many ways it is super hard to articulate it, as it will offend some potential readers of my blog. I don’t actually want to hurt anyone, but the truth is the truth and a lot of people these days cant seem to handle the truth anymore.  Or the truth has been so far distorted that no one really knows what is truth or not anymore.

Reading various opinions, comments on Facebook shows me that many, and specifically Christians, seem to be ready to fight over some pretty minor issues. Also some fairly unbiblical issues.

I know the moment I open my mouth or write something here, I will be labeled this or that, and if I land on the opposite side of the argument ...then all heaven break loose, or should I say all hell break loose. 

So I am going to say it this way.... the Bible is pretty clear what it is going to look like at the end.... and we can clearly see the world spiraling into some crazy stuff that the Bible has been warning us of, for years and years. In some ways I welcome it as it confirms the truth of the Bible, and paves the way for Jesus to return. Oh what a day that will be for us who love and serve Him.

The Bible says... stuff like this..:

People will turn to evil ways, rejecting the things of God. Families will be torn apart. Turning against each other. What was held as true and holy will be corrupted and disrupted. Confusion will settle in as people forget the absolutes of the Bible and accept the deceptions of the enemy of the Cross.

The church will be divided as it compromises its practices and aligns with the world and its ways.

The world dishes up a whole pile of stuff that fly’s in the face of Christian truth and biblical understanding. We cant change everyone as they choose these things for themselves, but the moment the church decides to just go with the flow, will be the time when we might just have our candle/lamp stand snuffed out as mentioned in Revelation.

Not one of us ever expected to flow through a year like 2020...and none of us would want to again, but lets also be clear that the Bible speaks of exactly what this world will look like towards the end. Are we living in that right now ?  Well only God really knows that...but I am pretty sure we are closer to the end than we are the beginning.  

There have been a few times when I have felt like just packing up, heading for the hills and living out the rest of my life alone and away from the dumbness of what is happening around us.

Problem with that is that I would die with in 24 hours, as I wouldn’t know how to live off the land I would most likely eat something poisonous and die, or get bitten by a

So... the only other option is to do what God asked of me to do in the beginning, as I try and prepare myself for heaven and anyone else who actually wants to go there as well.

Many decided to follow Jesus, but then became impatient, disbelieving, doubtful and turned away from the life of Christianity.  Thats everyone’s choice. just like it is mine. I have to work through this every day, most of us do.

If I should go to jail for being a Christ follower... so be it.

If I should die for that purpose as be it.

If I should live for that purpose and stand alone.... so be it.

It takes a lot of guts to be an active Christian and not everyone is cut out for it I know..and sometimes I do not measure up myself.... but the truth is, there is no other way to get to heaven than to believe in Jesus and allow Him lordship over our lives at every level. Even if we think its too hard.

Regardless of politics and cultural do’s and dont’s..... if standing for Jesus means being in opposition to the  direction the world is heading...well then  you will need to make a choice .

We all do.

Will you be popular ?  Nope.

Will people criticize you ?  Yep.

Will you be rejected by some ?  Yep.

Will you compromise your faith by settling for unbiblical truth ?  Who knows that but you !!!!!

Will Jesus reject you for living your life for HIM ? Not in a million years ...NO !

I get frustrated when I see such obvious truth being glossed over by smart people with an agenda to destroy the beauty that God created and desires for us all.

I get frustrated by truth being ignored and rejected. 

But in the end ....all I can really do, and all you can really do is make sure that our heart is right before Jesus.  That is the bottom line.  

Jesus loves you. He loves me. 

He is inviting us all into a deeper relationship with Him.  

The rest is entirely up to us.


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