The Salvation Army isn't perfect !!!!! Are YOU ?

All things created by Him, and all things created for Him.  (Col 1)

In my quiet time today, I was doing a little study about this verse... and it occurred to me again, that I have been created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And so have you.

No wonder for me, why I have this deep embedded belief that “it’s all about Jesus”.

I often get myself into trouble with the words I make public, but I do try not to defame others or belittle others ...I try hard to not be a heretic, but sometimes I guess my words, and maybe yours as well, upset people.  I am not trying deliberately to upset apple carts, but rather live my life out with what I believe are fundamental truths for my life, and can be for your life also.

The bottom line for me, (sorry if this offends you) is that I as an individual Christ follower, and you as well, if you are following Him, that it is your soul that will go to heaven when you die. 

It is not about The denomination I worship in.  

TSA is “a” vehicle in which to serve Jesus. 

It is not the vehicle which will enter heaven, but rather my soul. 

TSA is no different in many ways to any other denomination of believers or tribe,.... we are no better or worse than the Baptists, or Pentecostals or Catholics... we have our differences, absolutely...  but it is what is going on in our soul... that is where it counts the most.

I have been watching a number of things unfold around me in recent times, churches that have been led in interesting ways, not the ways of the Kingdom, but ways of making ourselves feel good about ourselves.

We dont “do” church to feel good about ourselves. 

But yet, in so many ways we do ...   we have made church about us... a kind of bribery, I will do this for you if you do this for me.

So, what I have that if   “I” stop doing what others want...  then  “I” stop receiving what others give. 

If you do this for me...I will do this for you. 

Whether thats in attending church services or serving, or giving of the tithe, or simply just turning up for the free feed.

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Church is about who we worship and follow, and His name is Jesus Christ and when we honour Him and go to church to worship and focus upon HIM, then the other things tend to sort themselves out.  

I have noticed it is not like this in many places. It is then that we stop the “going”, and need to start the “being”.

I have noticed that the moment you stop doing “stuff” for people, then they “stop” doing this for you.

Jesus has never ever taught that kind of faith practice. Church isn't supposed to be like that. Church is about Jesus (FULL STOP)  if it hasn’t been, then it needs to change and repent and sort that out.

In many churches, not just TSA, it has been more about “what we do”, rather than “who we are”. So when you mess with the what we do bit, things seem to fall apart.  We need to concentrate on the “who we are” and then that defines what we do. 

Gosh I hope this is making sense.

If I was created by HIM, and for HIM, then that defines what I will do for HIM. It also clearly articulates the why I do that for HIM.

Not to self elevate, or make me feel good about myself, or in front of other humans.

But to elevate Jesus as the Lord of my life and the Saviour of a lost world. A world today that needs Him more than we seemingly we have ever needed Him.

When Jesus is Lord... prayer meetings are not a problem, neither is bible study, and worship.... when Jesus is Lord, other things become secondary ..... not primary.

Do I have it perfectly together on this ?  Nah.... I am a work in progress and so are you.

But when we get a fresh understanding of the fact that I was created, by Him.....

And that my life’s purpose is to live for HIM... 

Life has a renewed focus of meaning.

TSA isn't perfect, because we are all in it. Neither you or I are perfect. We are all folks who are on a journey towards Jesus. It’s not wrong to enjoy the journey, where we get it wrong is when we make it about the journey, rather than Jesus...our destination.

When we look around us at the things going on today in TSA, whilst I struggle with it as much as the next bloke, I am certain that at its very core, the folks making the decisions are just trying their hardest to make things better. 

To bring improvement. 

Whether we agree or not, and I am not saying you have to... 

All I am challenging is, if we all make it about Jesus, 

maybe, just maybe...

Things might be where He created us to be from the beginning.

And that requires us all....from the very bottom to the focus on Jesus and understand that all things.. YES ALL THINGS...

YES.. TSA was created by HIM and for HIM.

Let’s get that bit right... 

starting with me. (and you)

The picture I use here, speaks to me deeply.... It will shortly hang on the wall in our home, it is the fundamental truth for me...Jesus, beckons us all to return to Him and walk with Him and for Him.

I pray that will be the case for my life.  you will need to work it out for yourself.


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