My Past... gratitude for the folks who invested in me.

Holidays are a good time to rest and reflect and reconsider a number of things in your life. It is interesting to me that after one week I feel my mind unclogging and relaxing and it is also interesting to me that in some ways as this is happening, I am becoming a little more optimistic about the future and my future.

This morning in my quiet time I was reflecting on people in my life who have molded and shaped me in one way or the other..I am going to list them here, and I want them to know, so if you know them and can the message to them, will you do that for me please ?

In my mind you give honour where honour is due.

Sooooooooo, in no exact order, here are the names of people who have influenced my life over the past 60 something years....( apologise if I miss your name, there are so many)

Richard Gilchrist, my first YP Band leader.     A great encourager ...thanks Richard for doing this journey with a bunch of children back then. For teaching us music and for me to how to play a cornet.

Neale Garnaut , my second YP Band leader and Bandmaster of PF Band, a great encourager. Neale, your influence and friendship is so special. Thankyou for kindness to my dad and in my life also.

Irwin Palmer, and Margaret Palmer you guys influenced me so much in my early years and in our marriage, I will never forget the small group of young marrieds that used to gather in your home mid week. I think the fact that we are now approaching our 40th wedding anniversary is partly due to the truth you taught us way back then.

Harvey Reynolds, man what man of God you were to me.... a true gentleman... praying with me at the mercy seat so many years ago as I committed my life to Jesus in deeper ways.

Pam Gilchrist, my corps cadet leader.... you were such a great woman of God in my life back then Pam.

Tony McCubbin, my challenging Customs Teacher who prayed for me and prophesied into my life so many years ago... I am not sure I really believed it all back then.  But gosh so much has happened since those days in Fremantle.

Rodney & Jenny Barnard, our CO’s you were such trusted friends and leaders to us, to me, and still are... I thankyou for the influence and challenge you set for me (us) and were our CO’s sending us into Officer Training. And then becoming our DC’s when we were at Craigieburn, helping us to get our own building.

Gordon and Lyn Jones... you were both and still are so precious in my life as I found out deep spiritual truth for myself.

Wayne Pittaway, were huge as a mentor for me ...thankyou. I miss those coffees and chats.

Shane Baxter, senior pastor of Enjoy Church, another mentor who challenged me to my very core in the early days of Craigieburn Salvos Ministry.

Ian Hamilton (Lt Col) my first DC as an Officer who believed in me and encouraged us to think outside of the box, thanks Ian. And you gave us a go at Planting Craigieburn... truly did believe in me.

Bram Cassidy: more recently Bram you have journeyed with me and I am grateful for you. I respect you and trust you and think that you are one of the most amazing TSA Officers I have seen. I love working alongside you and have enjoyed the way you have shaped my thinking over the past 5 years or so.

Other shout outs to :

John Anderson, Kev & Jude Lumb, Bruce & Deb Stevens, Jordan & Sarah Innes, Dave & Claire Jones, Val Atkins, Lisa Butler, Craig Caple.   So many its tough this..... Andy & Shirl,  G1 !!!!

My current small home fellowship group....Deb & John, Lorna & Ian, Julie & Bruce, 

Brian & Ev Golding, (mum and dad in law) who also encouraged us along our journey. I really miss you dad and your wisdom. And those special little chats when everyone else had left the room. 

My siblings: Kevin, Pete and Pat...we have so many memories, some not so good, and some amazing, we grew up together and now feel apart...but I guess that is life isnt it.  I choose to remember the good things and celebrate them with you guys. Thankyou.

My own Mum and Dad, who gave me a legacy that no one else could give. the example set in prayer,  I didn't always agree with, but gosh I miss them like nothing on this earth, and would so love to sit with them and chat.... ahhhhh one day in heaven we will.

Chelsea and Melissa, when you both arrived in our lives, you were both miracles...and I could not ever express the changes you bought to my those very early years I was ever so proud of the fact that I was your daddy.  And even today I am still proud to be your dad. You might not think it, but you both have changed my life in so many ways. I love you dearly. Thankyou for your love for me, warts and all.

Ankit.... wow, who would have thought that Christmas wrapping for TSA in Broadmeadows would bring me a son in law like you and a grandson like Aari.  Thanks Ankit for your friendship and care of me.

So many people have influenced me...I am grateful for each and everyone of you. TRULY I AM.

And now Julie....

There were girlfriends before you, but none ever measured up to you... when you entered into my life, I changed forever. You loved me and I think you still do, (lol) in ways that no one has ever loved me, putting up with many mistakes and failures, and loving me still, believing in me when no one else seemed to do that ... walking with me, crying with me, laughing with me... holding me when I couldn’t stand, I will ever love you Julesy, you are a legend and I look forward to growing old (older) with you. Ministry with you is like being in sync with myself, we think alike and have a common aim, and we work well without you would be ridiculous to even think about.  Thanks Jules.


I dont think I am dying, but it kind if sounds like it hey ??  (Sorry)

Well I am having the Covid Jab who knows..... God knows.

The reason for the shout outs in this.... is because I simply don't think we do that enough for each other. We do find ourselves critical of each other more easily than we do in being encouragers. I think God has spoken to my heart around this, in loving our neighbors and saying Thankyou.

Thankyou to everyone who has journeyed with me in one way or the other throughout my life. Leaving a God mark in my heart.

My life is what it is today because of your influence and impact in me at one stage of my life or the other.


And if I missed your name I am sorry......there is simply so many.



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