Risky Challenge... here goes nothing !!! Or maybe something !!! ( I am not scared at all ) hmmmm

This blog post has a few risks about it: nevertheless I feel compelled to write it and to share it as widely as I know how.

How is your appetite ?  Not for food, but for spiritual things ? For Jesus ?

I remember a day when I wanted to be so close to Jesus that I would have done anything, in fact I did...I became a Salvo Officer...I chose to walk away from so many comfortable things and to follow Him and do my level best to try and help others find Him.

I have discovered along the way that sometimes that devotion seems to have gone luke warm... that I am not as hungry as I once was, and also,  I look around me and others are seemingly walking away from Jesus as well.

When I ask the question about how hungry you are for Jesus, what goes through your mind ?

I invite people to pray together, and have done for 20 plus years... and its not ever an easy pick up...people don't want to pray together it seems.  There is always some excuse or reason not to. I think I have heard them all...

I don’t like to pray that way... I don't like the way others pray...I like to pray silently....I am too busy...the time of the prayer meeting is inconvenient... etc etc etc.

It’s not new is it ? Jesus asked His closest disciples to stay and pray while He went away and prayed alone, and they just fell asleep.

Why is it such a big ask to get Christians praying together ??   Why wont the church pray together ? One of the biggest mystery’s of life for me is this very question. 

This isn't new, I have observed it all my life, even when my dad was leading prayer meetings back at Perth Fortress years and years ago. 

Prayer meetings are simply not popular.  Concerts on the other hand .... ?

Now before I throw my challenge out to you...my reader.... and before you get angry at me for even daring to ask the question... I am not assuming for one minute that I have it all together in this, and that I am the expert on this subject.... 

I just want Christians to pray together and am perplexed why people who say they love Jesus and give their lives to Him, are not willing to gather for one hour and pray with like minded people who want to do the same ?  

Why we cant find a spare hour for this ?

Don’t call me judgmental, or criticize me for the question...  I am trying not to judge anyone myself, but just ask the question....

answer it for yourself.. 

Just how hungry are you for Jesus and His Kingdom and His people rising to be all that God desires of us to be ?

They are the real questions here.  Were you ever more spiritually alive than you are today ? Have you heard Gods voice in your life before ? But now are just going through some motions ?

There were some times in my life when the supernatural presence of God was so tangible in my room that it was unmistakable.... maybe thats why I am like a stuck record on this. I dunno..... I just have this inner urge and constant compelling to call people to pray together.


Here’s the call:

I am seeking people, Salvos, Christians, Pastors, Officers, anyone who loves Jesus... to join me in praying together.

People who are hungry for the things of God, and are willing to pray together regularly for it to be spilled out in our world. (When I say regularly, I mean fortnightly for one hour, at anytime which is best for the majority)(even in person or online  or both)

People who believe in the Bible.

People who love to worship God with others.

People who are fed up with the status quo, and want to ask God together for the supernatural to be poured out on us all.

People who know that deep down in your heart, that there must be something more than this ...and you want to ask God for that.

People who will pray for others.

People who will not give up until something happens that can only be attributed to God.

Is there anyone like that left on the planet ?

If that’s you... I don't care where you live, or who you are...I want to pray with you...I don't care what position you hold on the earth, neither does God for that matter,  this is all about unity, hunger and desire for the Kingdom of God to shape the earth.

Already there is a small group of us doing this on Tuesday nights...But I am willing to change the times and dates and locations to accommodate more...

My proposal is that when it  is appropriate we gather at a venue and pray and worship together and stream to those who can’t meet at that venue...

Is there anyone that would do this ? Anyone at all ?

It all comes down to hunger... hunger for Jesus. ( not so much the denomination )

Email me: (if you are keen) 





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