The Critics !!!!!

A few years back I was the senior minister (Corps Officer) of a great corps (church for those non salvos).

I started well I think and was true to my calling and identity and character in who God had shaped me to be.  It’s often like that as a Pastor, we do start well usually, its a blank canvas and the story is yet to be written.

As there are in every church or group of people, there were those who loved me, and certainly there were people who did not.  I call them the critics and every church has them.  

They are the ones who don't agree with you and your strategies, don't like your style of preaching...or simply just don't like you.  Dont think you are any more special than the next guy, we all have had these people in our ministries, even when things were going well.  They are still there.  They always are.   Even if they are not so vocal to your face.

Jesus had them.  They killed him.  

At times, I confess I also have been one of them and so have you.  We all have. You might be right now as you read this

Well there was this one person, who I am pretty sure hated me... never to my face mind you...but in the car park after the meeting, pulling me apart, behind my back, for whatever it was I got doctrinally wrong in the Bible message, or whatever... 

I always heard about it, and I must admit never really handled it that well.  It hurts if we are honest, that not everyone loves us... or thinks we are just like Jesus ...ha. I am a long way off that I know it.

I used to fear this person and the temptation was to look for ways to gain their approval.  

But I quickly learned that was impossible.... for no matter what I did, I was going to lose and in the opinion of that critic in those days, I lost every single weekend.

It’s not easy, facing your critics, and its also impossible to have every one on the same page as you in every situation. So how do you deal with it ? Wouldn’t it just be a dreamy world if we could be loved and accepted by everyone ????

Humanity is a fickle thing, however we are pretty much all tarred with a similar brush.... we gravitate to like minded people  and we do look for leaders who will inspire and shape us and help  us on our journey to Jesus.  But when a loud mouthed critic stands up and speaks out against us.... it can be demoralizing and very hurtful.

I am still working on this in my own life....

I do know that it is impossible to please everyone.

I do know that if I try to please one group, I will by default displease the other.

I do know that I am not perfect, I do know that some don't always recognize that about “others”.

For me, when being critical, we need to establish why we are like that. If the leader is negligent, or criminal or unrighteous, if they are immoral, unethical or lazy.... if they are not preaching Jesus and are preaching some other kind of message...then maybe its time for a new church ? 

But its best in my mind to not add to the situation by getting into someone else’s ear behind their back and cause a cancerous stream in others.   Perhaps it’s best to approach that leader in grace and chat face to face first. 

Criticism is such a tough thing and not many of us like it. However there is usually an element of truth in it somewhere and we can learn from it as well.

In my quiet time today, I was reminded about being content in every circumstance. To pray about everything all the time.  To keep my eyes on Jesus.  It’s good advice.

In my life I desire to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem, I have always desired to see our churches in TSA to become large and thriving for Jesus. And if not large, at least healthy.....To be relevant and inspiring and solid in action and not just in word. To not live in the past. Honour the past, absolutely, but not live there.

To be a leader who draws people to think about Jesus and to give their heart to Him. I have always wanted my preaching to be the kind of preaching that lifts Jesus higher.  I am not a theologian or teacher...I am a spokesperson for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.  

Now if I am to be criticized for that, so be it I suppose.

I have dreams...

I have hopes...

I have ideas...           

 SO DO YOU !!!

I want to see TSA to be  what it was designed to be... the ARMY of SALVATION, where people get saved, stay saved and bring hope to everyone around us. In every way. 

I will always agitate for what God placed in my heart. And that opens me up pretty easily to the critics.

There will always be those who say “AMEN”,                                                                                             and there will always be those who say something other than amen.

It then boils down to who I am here to please ?  Man ? Or God ?

Bottom line.... and each of us need to determine that for ourselves, who it is we will serve and what cost we are prepared to live with that at that level.

I have felt for many years that I have been called for a purpose for Jesus. To speak out His name with as much oomph as I have within me every time I preach. Even if there are those who don’t like my particular style.

To help lift spiritual encourage people to pray.... to form small groups for bible discussion and worship hard.... and to be a move of God that is founded on Him first. To look for the champions and work with them and together spread Holy Spirit fire around us everywhere.

Lord use me like that I pray.

And in closing my thoughts today...

I quote William Booth our founder..

“ I am not waiting for a move of God, I am a move of God “

That is my prayer for my life...

Even if my critics hate me for it.

And... finally... If you are an Officer, Pastor, Leader in the church... and the critics are getting under your skin..

Can I ask you to do a couple of things... answer these questions for yourself.

1. Is your life about Jesus ?

2. Are you preaching the word of God, the Bible, as you are directed by Jesus in “Prayer” first ?

3. Look for some truth in the criticism and work on it... and pray about it, even with the critic if needed.    (Be brave and humble at the same time)

4. NOW... Get on with what God has called you to be and do.



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