Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

I notice as I searched google this morning for this quote, that a lot of people have claimed ownership of this one. I used to have a little desk sign that stated this, around 30 something years ago when I started in youth ministry.

However its true isnt it ? Either lead the way …or follow those who are leading the way, or just simply get out of the way.

I never started 2021 thinking that at the end of the year I would be in the situation I am currently in, retiring as an active TSA officer. In fact so much has happened in 2021 that none in my family would have envisaged. I decided to retire, rather than resign, as I felt it was more honorable for me and for TSA at this time.(my choice)

For me I found myself in the situation where I needed to get out of the way.  I was very discontent and felt like I could certainly not follow where those above me were leading…. And that caused me to struggle with my own leadership and the massive divide between expectations from above and my own personal values and hopes.

So get out of the way it was….  And for me this has bought deep contentment and satisfaction as I have discovered another group of people that actually value my strengths and abilities.

I decided a while ago I would not go out in a mash of hurtful words and expressing my feelings, however there still is a big part of me that just wants “something”…not sure what, whether it’s justice or to be heard, or to be able to express myself…not sure.  

Certainly if you don't agree with something, then you need to speak up or shut up, or get out of the picture, and there comes a time, for all of us at some point, when the boundaries will be pushed, stretched and maybe even broken.  It is when that happens, that each of us need to decide what our next move will be.

Lead ….  Follow ….. or get out of the way.

Am I bitter and twisted ?  I dont think so… I think I am just super disappointed, that what I thought was to be, for me…. actually wasnt.  And that decision was made by just one or 2 people who I perceive, had not sensed much value in me. (Certainly I am aware of many who did value me …please know that )


And so… my new world is here, and its pretty good.  It is challenging and confronting after my first 3 weeks, but I am also sensing my place and the hand of God upon me as I start lifting my ministry profile in my new environment.

I have been totally gobsmacked by the process of God in my life on this new journey, and also totally blown away by the unending “divine coincidences” coming my way, with almost everyone I meet and now work with.

In amongst this is the deep peace in my heart, that its actually ok.  I am ok. The people around me and that I have left behind will be ok. 

However out of all of my struggle, I think that has been the biggest, friends and colleagues who may or may not have looked up to me, who I may have had ministry influence with, I have needed to start to distance myself from, so that whoever comes behind me, will have a free run at leading as an Area Officer in this space.

And then there are some incredibly faithful friends who simply wont let me walk away… I am ever so blessed by colleagues who have stood with me on this journey and who have accepted my decision even if they did not understand it.  I think these people are true friends.. thankyou to them.

And of course  my new life is different.  I will start wearing a very different uniform very soon, when it arrives…  labeled very clearly.

And so, as I start my week 4 of this new role on Monday…. And rest this weekend, I do so content and at peace within myself.

I pray that you will find your peace with Jesus at some point also.

We must remember, always… a few very important things about human life in the Kingdom of God on planet earth.

1. God calls and equips. 

2. His plans are not always the same as our plans.

3. There are more ways to serve Him than one single organization.

4. If you find yourself at odds with human decisions, you might need to get out of the way.

5. It’s all about Jesus.  It always was. It is. AND it always will be. 

When its all over, and Jesus comes again…. What will He find when He gets here ? What will he find in you ? What will you be doing for Him ? Will He find us faithful and obedient ? Will He find us divided and living in worldly ways ?  Will we be controlled by the worlds directions or by His ?  Will we be more satisfied with being the church or doing church ?  Will He find us bold ? Or silent ? Will He find us conforming to the patterns of this world ? Or to the values of the Kingdom of God, even if it means persecution and pain ?

Oh these are big questions, that require big answers.

I hope you know your way ….  Your truth….. your life…… your hope….. and I pray its Jesus !


  1. You don't know how encouraging your posts have been to me... Thank you! So much of your journey resonates with me. It's exciting to hear about your new season!


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