Church leaders....

Tonight we gathered our team over dinner, they're awesome people. And i don't want to do life and ministry in this church without them.

They serve in the house.
They are a group who wants to please God.

I have learned over the years, that often my best people end up moving on into greater ministry for the Kingdom, I expect to lose some of these fine people for the greater kingdom cause also.

Leadership is influence, it is servanthood, it is caring, it is getting your hands dirty, cleaning toilets, it is picking up the rubbish, putting out the bins,and getting rid of dead mice.

Leadership is loving, and caring for people who are sometimes difficult and touchy....

Everything rises and falls on leadership. I believe that.

So if some things are not going completely according to plan, it is a leadership issue to fix it.

Celebrate and reward the wins.
Fix the problems
Just do it.
It's called leading.


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