Leadership Challenges

I am feeling frustrated today...to be honest... actually a little discouraged as well...
I am not going to give up, just finding the leadership road a challenge.
maybe by sharing my feelings others might find hope...I guess the risk with this is that some may think I am talking about them, and be in despair.  ( if that is you thinking that, you need to ring me and have a coffee and we can chat...its probably not you)

what do you do when people just let you down ?
they say they want to lead, but then they just dont lead.
they say one thing and do another !

it seems that some just want everything the easy way... and YES, I went to GOD about this, and I guess its possible that my expectations are simply too high.

I may expect too much of others.
but I guess its also possible that there could be some improvement  in output by some leaders as well.

what does a senior leader do when others don't turn up, choose another event over a leadership opportunity, choose less than the best.  Won't pray...wont even turn up to pray ?


firstly we are all sinners, I may be the worst.

secondly we are on  a journey and for a church to grow to its potential, it will need a committed group of people  leading it, sacrificing for it, being in unity for it, listening to God about it, helping others get it, and simply just doing it...every week.

some of the best churches I have ever seen, have these groups of people in their teams leading their churches.

I have also seen some pretty average churches, who are average because they don't have these people in their teams.  their teams are filled with half hearted, self focussed, self protecting, superficial people who are actually not that interested in the things of God( in their hearts) on their lips its there, but not in their heart.

 I am doing this blog because I need somewhere safe to let off steam...

mostly the leaders I work with are not as I have just described, but every now and then something rises up and  I feel like its back to the drawing board, and that's how I feel today.

so what do you do ?... I dont know what you will do, coz, if you are a senior leader of a church , you will face this at some time or another...

but here's how I am going to handle it.

1. pray
2. make sure its not me....and confess and repent quickly if it is
3. make sure its founded, and not a satan attack.
4. warnings to the half hearted...to get sold out on the church and on Christ.
5. if you have already warned (which I have) then release the leader concerned.
6. look for more leaders with potential.
7. move forwards onto the Vision, and dont give up on that.
8. grace amongst it all

we have sown some great leaders back into the Kingdom and they haven't been replaced as yet, I am still waiting for God to raise new leaders, or bring them in. 

but I am not a quitter,  I am convicted and committed about my task and my job.

my job is to build the church on earth, to create it to be healthy and thriving under the Holy Spirits direction.
to do that in Craigieburn with a Salvo flavour.

I am not finished yet.


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