
I may very well be the only one on the planet who thinks so.. but I think our Christian message has become way too complicated.

people are studying so hard to get theology degrees and what not... certificates of achievement, a piece of paper in their hand..and yet we are struggling hugely to reach our next door neighbour with the simple message that Jesus loves them.

I was watching this DVD over the weekend which just slammed  everything I hold true... it is called Furious Love and you should watch it, if you haven't seen it already.

its all about the Love of God and the love that He has for our world.

a love that doesnt care too much about  anything else...... than a person.

one person  sums it up on the DVD wonderfully,

"the message is simple:
Jesus loves you.
all we have to do is listen and care..... and share that love,
and you dont need a theology degree to do that".

we don't need a certificate on our wall to tell people we love them and Jesus does as well.
we don't need a degree or letters after our name to serve our neighbours with love and grace.
we dont need anything really, other than Jesus and His love, pure and true and simple.

I am not bagging those who want to study and need to, for whatever reason, however, only ever use it so that you can reach others with a simple and yet profound message.

if we are so busy learning and not leading...  that is, leading others to Jesus...
then we have over complicated what Jesus asked us to do.

Love God.
Love others.

you don't need a degree to understand that and know how to do that.
you just need to do it.

I'm gonna try.


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