Being excited about Sundays..

Someone once said to me that I was a Sunday Centric leader, and that I led a Sunday Centric church.
Well, at first I wondered where this person was coming from, especially since they were also a church leader in the Salvation Army.

Let me tell you though I am very excited about Sunday church.

Last Sunday in our morning service, God did something with my heart, which I have never experienced before.

I was praying for our congregation and watching them as I prayed for them. As I prayed I was overwhelmed with love and compassion, I could see more than just them, I could sense their lives, the hidden burdens, the hidden pain and worry, I think God allowed me to see them for a brief instance, as He saw them all the time.
I was overcome with emotion and it changed my praying and what I feel about our wonderful church.

This Sunday coming excites me hugely...we're trying something very different and having a theme service in the evening, with dress ups and the works... why should church be boring after all.!!!!!

time will only tell if it works....  but me "maties" this weeks theme is Pirates.... with a special twist from the Bible and some special God ideas that line up with this inner pirate inside us all.....

for more , you will simply have to be there....... arrrrrrrrrr !!!!

being labelled as Sunday centric is what every church should be labelled, we are after all the worshiping people of God who gather together to worship and praise God, its just that we have chosen to do it on Sundays, maybe if we did it Fridays we would be labelled Friday centric.   just a thought.

we don't work Sundays, so we can go to church freely.... we set that time apart to  gather with like minded people doing the same.........
I have heard that some say it is all about Community Worship....

I say who cares what it looks like or sounds like as long as it has the fundamental truths...

is God first ?
is connecting people with God paramount ?
is He honored ?
Is the bible the basis of all truth ?
are spiritual disciplines encouraged ?
Is prayer the lifeblood ?
is there freedom ?

seriously to me, when the church starts picking on the church, it feels like Satan is at work.

I love the gathering of our people in our worship style,and what God did amongst us last weekend was simply awesome ....and watch out if anyone criticizes us for that !!!!!

and next weekend is going to be even better yet.

now about us being Sunday Centric ?

nah we're not...

  • that's why we're building a Rock climbing wall to serve our community...
  • why we do Mainly Music Tues and Wednesday morning with 100 or so people coming every week.
  • why we do Playgroup for young mums with depression on Thursdays
  • run a bus for our local community on Fridays
  • its also why we serve hundreds of people every single week to help them with food and financial help every week as well.

I love the CHURCH.
and I love our Church.


  1. And I heard yesterday, that even freedom is criticized..... Seriously, what is wrong with people ? Jesus came to set captives free, not that the church would bind them up again.....biblical truth, spiritual freedom, enthusiastic worship, God empowering His people with gifts He chooses to give... That's the life for me...if anyone takes that away or tries to... I am out of here....and I will defend it, my right to worship this way, and lead my church this way, until I die. I wonder what the future holds, at times. The things I see happening around me worries me greatly, and I sense rough times ahead. Thankfully Jesus is my rock, and my salvation, and my truth, and my freedom and my Saviour....nothing else really matters after that.


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