There's a Fire burning in my soul.

its a fire of discontent...
a burning desire for the things of God..
a pentecost fire to fall on  my head..
a refining fire to burn away all traces of sin.

I preached this sermon yesterday which sprang out of Daniel 3 for me .. where  3 men were placed into a fire to be destroyed...they were tied up and bound...but the only thing that got burned was the ropes that held them.

a well known bible story, but a story we need to hear again today..
we all, at times, are bound up, by ropes of evil intent...sinful choices, even made by others ...and sometimes by ourselves, and God comes to us, to free us, and be among us. read Daniel 3 for yourself.

please don't try this at home,
we had a fireman present to oversee the fire we burned inside our church...

it was a great illustration of what God does inside us, but remember this, and remember it well... the fire will go out if you don't tend to it, fuel it along.

the spiritual fire inside us is fueled by our prayer life, our worship, both private and corporate, our reading of God's Word...  basically what goes in going to come out..garbage in, garbage out..... Fired up stuff in..fired up stuff comes out.

all over the world, Christians that once burned bright and true, have allowed the fire that once burned so brightly inside their heart, to just go out...

Oh Lord reignite us.
Burn brightly once again in our hearts.

let the Army Church burn brightly again,
send the fire Lord, send it again.


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