The Bible is the The Last Word....

Over the weekend I was having some conversations with friends and colleagues about biblical truth, and together we discussed how the world is changing things so rapidly that everything is being compromised, and now even untruth is being taught in places, that basically it surprises me that it is.

Julie preached it on the weekend. what are we fighting for ? and why ?

who is going to stand up and fight for the truth, when even the truth is being compromised ?

some call it liberal theology... I call it a blatant attack on the truth and  accuracy of the bible itself.

I wonder how it will all go down before the King, when we face Him and He asks us why we took the stand we did... over the areas that He calls Sin, and we call ...ok ?

if you attack the truth often enough, no one will even know what real truth is in the end.

they will be so confused and will then revert to living their lives in whatever ways they choose to live, whatever way they like to, when all the while the bible is clear on what is ok and what is not.

when Jesus said I am the way , the truth and the life..... why oh why, are we trying  to live some other way ?

when God said thou shall not.... why is that we think these days that its shall ?

when God says something is detestable in His sight, do we think He wont see what we do ?

when we question freedom ? we question truth ? we question Jesus Himself and his credibility.
in my opinion, this is a dangerous walk. which has eternal consequences.

call me old fashioned..... really don't care what you call me actually, I am just a sinner, saved by grace, trying to live my life for my Lord, but I get so very frustrated when the work is made harder by those who should know better, and cause others, those we are trying to lead.... to even question the truth that has been our job to proclaim.

what kind of gospel is it, when it is compromised with untruth, that is contrary to  the clear cut bible I have read all my life ?

when God says something is wrong, it is wrong. it is not open to interpretation.
when God says something is good, it is good, it is not open to call it bad.

when God says He loves all people, He truly does.
but when He says He hates Sin, He surely does.

Live your life to please Him and to honour Him and His word and people will be drawn to Jesus.
right now, even some who are questioning faith around me, are finding more ammunition to say NO,
because some liberal theologians think its ok to compromise the BIBLE......

DOH !!!!


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