Geoff Bullock

I am sitting in my lounge room just reflecting on the past 24 hours or's Sunday arvo and I am getting ready soon for our night service at Salvos 3064 church... This morning and yesterday we sat through a beautiful time of ministry with Geoff.





I loved his stories, and honesty, and how he seemed relaxed amongst us. Which caused me to relax.

As he sang The Power of Your Love, I felt something wash over me...through me, around me...
It caused me to be unable to tears welled in my eyes.

For those present...the insight about Barabbas... Amazing.

And then of course the pooey nappy analogy, where God as our father holds us, embraces us,hugs us, even though we, as babies, smell to high heavens... Grace.

Thank you Geoff for coming to us, to bless us and minister to us..I am hoping Craigieburn will never be the same again....(sorry to pinch the line).

By the way, the personal chats in the car to and from the airport were
very special to me, thank you.


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