Stretching and being stretched.

It's a good thing to be stretched in ministry, and in life.
It's great excercise for your mind.

I currently am aware that I personally am being stretched.

God promises never to take us beyond our ability to cope... I believe that. I also believe that when He stretches us, we are in a process of being further equipped and developed and empowered.

Currently my personal ministry is being stretched, things added, tasks becoming wider with a wider influence, and some of these will be used(no doubt) as a Kingdom advancing resource for me, and in me and through me.

There is also an awareness that now, as I allow myself to be used in such ways,that there is in fact no turning back.... Busier...less time for mucking urgent need to guard my personal space....and marriage...and the church that I Pastor is just going to get even more active.

It's all good though.

I asked for this.

It means saying no sometimes. And yes at other times. But choosing carefully which is yes and which is no.

When you do physical exercise, not that I am good at that...but I do know stretching is paramount to physical health...

Well...maybe spiritual stretching is also paramount to spiritual health. After all who wants to be an unhealthy, inactive Christian leader?

Not stretch away...and as I am stretched...may my activity bring huge honor to the King, and may my influence be for Him...ALWAYS.


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