Sometimes life is tough.

One of my friends passed away this week.
when I read the post on his Facebook page, I was in unbelief at first, in fact I still am struggling to comprehend it.
he had made plans to be in our church this Sunday , I was expecting to have lunch with him and catch up.

and now.....       NO.

life dishes up some interesting stuff at times.

I find myself bewildered by some things that go on around me. The choices that people make and the decisions that people act out upon without any courtesy or respect towards others.  I think our world has become an interesting place, it could be that I am just getting old, and some of my values that I was grounded in have seemingly just been thrown out the window.

what ever happened to old fashioned respect ? courtesy ? 

I think its vital that you live by the values that you have decided that are right for your life. I don't always get it right either, I try, but sometimes I just fail. It's then that I hope that the value of grace is extended to me ...forgiveness too.

I was rattled yesterday and today I still feel rattled, not just by Brett's passing, but by the circumstances that surround me every single day, which to a certain degree I have little control over.

BUT,         I   DO   PRAY.... and I think thats where the difference comes for me,
I believe God hears my prayers and puts into action responses and answers to those prayers that will bring about the needed change in those circumstances.

Basically He knows my needs and fears and failures and hopes and dreams and plans and worries and concerns and hurts and ...sends a strength and peace to fill the void that life often throws at us.

I am going to miss Brett....I didnt see him often, but he used to be a leader in my church.

I know this...He is with his Heavenly Father right now.

One day I will be more human struggle and pain.

no more worries and hurt.
no more discourtesy.
no more disrespect.

if any one reads this, don't think I have lost the plot, I am just airing  a few bits and pieces that I am feeling today.

Ministry is tough at times but Jesus is good enough for me. Thankfully He is ever reliable and always there.


  1. Its not that I felt discourtesy or disrespect about Brett's passing and those circumstances, that is about a whole pile of other stuff going on around my life right now...
    sigh, what an interesting week.
    sometimes I could just .... SCREAM


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