My personal opinion....

Recently I have been rattled by stories emerging from sacred places, meant for a God given role, but being used by the enemy.

My personal opinion is that I wish they would get with the program and remain true to the Word.

Life is complex isn't it ? People kill each other, hurt each other with words, abuse each other for self gratification, Norway...the wars around the world, where people, are fighting for a cause...

Will we fight for our beliefs?
Will we stand up for what we hold as true?
Who will defend the Word ?

Who will hold true that God created....special unions, special relationships, who will hold true the fact that a man and woman should join as one flesh ? And pro create?
It can't be done any other way, our humanity wasn't designed for it any other way... A man and a woman....that is what God designed....

Why is it That we seek to distort Gods truth, to compromise it, water it down ?

I am all, for tolerance and love and acceptance...however at some point, there enters this word called sin, which is or could be best defined as .." missing the mark ".

Sin has crept into some people's theology....

It's a clever ploy of our enemy, who seeks to destroy us at our core.

Who will stand. I will try, but you watch me get beat up in this stand. Not from outside, but from inside...that's a clever scheme of this battle we wage.

I am not perfect, I miss the mark too, so lest you think, I think, I am perfect, I am not.
So not throwing any stones here.

I think we should stand up though...stand up for what we hold true.

For me that's the bible I grew up with.

Call me old fashioned.... Who cares....sticks and stones stuff.... But if God said it, then that's how it should be.


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