What I learned today !

Firstly,that Dr Paul Borden is one smart man of God.
Secondly, that the Salvation Army hierarchy are to be congratulated on allowing him to assist us in renewal.

Thirdly... Well where do I start about myself...

There are a lot of critical questions to ask myself about myself and my church.

That there are still some very passionate people who want to win the world for Jesus in the Salvation Army.

That I want my church to do something serious on the earth for Jesus.
My life too.

I don't want to play church.

What a day this has been for me.
I am tired and mentally exhausted, but enthused and energized at the same time.
I want to help the Army get healthy corps(churches) everywhere.

Consulting is awesome. Draining, yep.... But amazing , I pray my life will help others in this.

And this was only day 1 of the consultation.

In was in tears today. I love the church when I see her like I saw a part of her today. And I hate it when I see what damage Satan tried to inflict upon the bride.

Roll on the next few days.

Part 2 soon.....


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