Calling a spade a spade..... on !?

Swimming against the flow...
Standing up for what you believe is right, even if others say it isn't ?

I am struggling with people watering down the truth of the bible, compromising it, saying it's not relevant for today, or....worse, some take some of it and hold it true, but other bits are questioned.

We are at war...not over theology, but with Satan and his deceiving ways, his conniving ways, his compromising ways....sowing doubt, "did God really say ?"

It's not new....go back to Eve....Eden....Adam....

What is a deal breaker for me, may not be for you.

But you do have to stand on your convictions at some stage of you life.

I am praying that wisdom will prevail.... And for those that oppose biblical truth, that God will open their eyes to a new revelation of the fierce and subtle battle being waged against us.

Sound all a bit cryptic ? Maybe safe !!!!!

I am a sinner saved by grace, I have been forgiven much, an so will try to forgive and grace others.

But a spade is not a fork.... It's a spade....

What God ordained, let not us humans weaken.

Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.


  1. i think its really interesting to watch people follow through on the deceptions of Satan.

    Jesus said do this and we try everything we can to not do it..

    Jesus said don't do this, and we try everything we can to do that... doh.

    maybe one day the church, will do what Jesus said to do, and not do what he told us to not do.

  2. Liberal theology emergent church, is another gospel just as Paul said in Galatians.
    In my eighteen years as a christian I have never seen nor heard such an attack on the church as we have now. Its time to stand up and pray if we continue to blur truth into oblivion, what do we have except a religious idea.This is very sad, my heart grieves every time I hear this stuff.


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