
So I am home now, from Arndale in Adelaide, what a few days it has been.
I have learned much, and will implement what I have gained in our church over the coming months.

As Gods people, we must have a broken heart for the lost. As Gods church, we must have a broken heart and passion for the lost, not a token opinion, but a burning passion.

The church exists for a specific purpose, and whilst our worship is precious to us, the preaching important in our meetings, our style and DNA all so important to church life, none of these things are our God given purpose...

Our purpose is simple, yet we don't do it.

Gods plan has never changed, but somehow along the way we changed it.

Salvos 3064 we are going to tweak a few things to realign ourselves with this God purpose and mandate, so be ready for it..( if any are reading this )...

So what is it you may ask ...?

I will tell you...and there will be more on Sunday... But our purpose on the earth as Gods church is simply to push back the kingdom of darkness and usher in the kingdom of light.

Jesus said make disciples, and we will.

For me personally over these past few days, I have learned much, my brain has expanded, as has my heart and vision.

I feel privileged with what has been asked of me, and I hope I am up to the task.

I am sold out on Jesus.
I am sold out on His church.

I pray that my life will serve him.

Honor Him.

Help others get close to Him.

And the churches I am involved in, will grow through the roof.


  1. Awesome to hear what's been going on and what is about to happen - miss being out of the loop! Hope everyone is well - Val


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