The purpose of the church ( in me)

God is doing something inside me that I am finding difficult to explain, but I do want to try and share it, even if it sounds all muddled up as it comes out.
I am totally pumped.
But also aware of the work ahead.

to think that God has called me, appointed me for His purposes on the earth,                                                         basically stop Satan winning on the earth.

to think that our church is about to start another new life cycle.

to think that I am Gods  idea and you are too.

the news is urgent, there is much to do, lives are at stake, and God has allowed us an opportunity that most churches don't get.( now I don't think that makes us better than other churches, please hear  that) it's just that we have an opportunity in our front yard.  just waiting for us to join God in what He is doing.

I feel overwhelmed by the ministry opportunities I have and am being given every week now. the privilege and responsibility is awesome as well as humbling, to think that God could use, and want to use, a bloke like me.

I am pumped for Sunday, when some of the new stuff I have learned is going to be placed.... and taught and shared, and I am praying that God will get the glory and people will connect with Him.

Last night in our L/Dev group we prayed that God would open up opportunities for people to come and ask us about Jesus, its going to be interesting today to see how that unfolds and whether or not anyone rises to the occasion...

whether any of those guys took the risk to ask God to touch them as they slept last night.

well...another new day awaits, there is much to do, our Rock wall is being finished today ready for training on Saturday...and that outreach ministry begins very soon.

I think if anything else happens to me today or this week my body and brain might just explode.
I am super excited, super blessed, super at peace, super challenged, and super aware that it is all about Jesus in me, working through me, that others might see Him and turn their lives and trust to Him.

Have a blessed and Godly day.

Its all about Jesus.


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