The real me....

I don't think I am the smartest bloke on the block, neither do I think for one moment that I am better than anyone else, in fact far from it.... But I realize I have got some things going for me...
Some of the things I have going for me I have become aware of recently, that I was never aware of before.

I am stubborn (Julie tells me that all the time) but my stubbornness has kept me on track with some of my leadership calls, when maybe others may have given up.

I can be a bit autocratic, and at times that could probably be a pain in the neck to some around me,at times I have needed to be just that, to keep things going in the right direction.

And a new one I am discovering, at a cost I might say, is I am becoming more discerning. Even waking in the middle of the night with an awareness of stuff going on that I may have missed at any other time. And it's not all been good, for it has shown me areas of great concern in my ministry area. That will potentially create great conflict, but if left untouched,unchallenged, may destroy us.

Sometimes I feel like it's just too hard.

Sometimes I feel like I have had enough.

Sometimes I just want to go to bed and sleep it off.

But things change in the morning,somewhere it says that Gods mercies are new every morning, His faithfulness is great.

And its that exact thing which keeps this weak, frail, and at times fearful, vessel going.

I can't believe His patience and mercy for me.

What else can I do but obey Him....serve Him.

I think my best days are still to come, as a church leader.

My best sermon is still unpreached.
My best leadership decision yet spoken.
My life's Biggest goal yet to be even set.

Oh Lord if you can use Gary Grant, then here am I...send me...use me.

I am yours, for your Kingdoms purpose.


  1. So I sit here this morning, just been looking at Geoff Freinds pictures of Zambia, and I sit here wondering about what impact my life is actually having on my world. I want my life to count for Jesus, I want to do something serious with my life for Him, to impact my world, leave a legacy, change peoples lives. Help them, practically yep, but more...for me, I want to see them find Jesus, coz that will change them forever... Geoff is an encouragement for he did what he could to make a difference and a difference has been made, lives changed, blessed, encouraged...that's awesome. I pray my life too will encourage and bless and change things.


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