Holidays !?!?!?!?

It's 6 am, and I am wide awake.
It's my first day of a 2 week holiday, and yep here I am, up and about, blogging.

My head screams body too....but something deep inside me is going to be a little harder to slow down.

We had a good day yesterday.... And I don't have to do anything this week....but here I am awake.


I was talking with my mentor the other day about the kind of footprint legacy my life will leave when I die. And the truth is I want my footprint, my life legacy, to have made a difference. I really do feel that there is so much to do, and I am yet to really find my sweet spot in ministry and life.

Holidays are good for a few things, they slow you down, allow you to recharge, refocus, re's still 6 am ish)...but they do inhibit momentum, and that bit I don't like that much.

Here's some truth about me...

I want my life, ministry, be deep...wide....
To have impacted people for Jesus Christ.

A blessing.
An encouragement.
A direction sign to Jesus.
A role model.
An example.
A leader.
A friend.

I feel like I have a load of work to do before I become that man.

So today, yeah,yeah..I am gonna slow it all's a marathon not a sprint, yeah yeah I know...

But I do love ministry most of the time and I miss it when I am on holidays.
So...pit stop ...recharge.

And hopefully my footprint design will gain some clarity as I renew my mind and body these next couple of weeks.


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