At the end of the bed.....

Ali Sougou

Ali Sougou was the first ever indigenous Christian of the Comoros Islands, a beautiful group of islands in the Indian Ocean, east of the continent of Africa. Born and raised in a Muslim family, Ali met Christ in a supernatural way.

His first contact with Christ came through a Christian who visited his island. Ali was confused about what he had heard from the man. "Jesus loves me and died for my sins? Who is this Jesus?" He dare not ask the Christian. He could not anyway, as the Christian had already left the island. And there was no other Christian to ask.

Ali went home - disturbed and confused. All he wanted now was a quiet rest and a good sleep. That night something happened. Ali realized he was not alone in the room anymore. Facing him across the room stood a man. The beauty of His countenance was beyond description. His white robe lit up the room. His eyes were as blue as sapphires. "He held out his hands and placed them on my forehead." Ali said later, "I know now that I was in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ."
It was Ali's first introduction to Christianity, or rather, to Christ Himself. "I rose from my bed and searched the room; the windows were closed." Jesus appeared to him - a night to remember. That night became Ali's new day.

A supernatural meeting with the unknown Savior. There was nobody to tell Ali about Christ - so Christ revealed Himself to him.

If God could meet Ali in such a wondrous way, can He not meet you - today?

Ali Sougou from the Comoros. This first Christian convert on this Muslim island came to know Jesus Christ in a special way. He writes about that experience. Edited with permission from the book In the Shade of the Moon published by Baruk, 1990.

And now....

A long time ago my dad, told me of a night when he awoke from his sleep to the presence of someone standing at the end of his bed, and the description is very similar to what you have just read.

The reason is share this story ....well, Jesus is real..I know He is, but so many people ignore Him, pretend He doesn't exist, turn away from him.

I love Jesus, and. Have watched stacks of people have their lives turned around by Him. But I have also seen stacks of people turn away from Him and their lives just go down the toilet in the process.

I guess if we all had a supernatural conversion, experience... like the story above, then we would all say that our lives were changed.

But Jesus comes to us all in different ways...and some accept Him and some reject Him.

It's so sad when people reject Jesus. For me, personally, it has cut me very deeply, when people reject jesus, especially when I consider the fact that I will not spend eternity with them...... I could cry when. I think about this truth.


But it's awesome when they accept Him. And some of my dearest loved ones will spend eternity In heaven, and one day I will be reunited with them forever.

I pray that someone who reads this today will trust Jesus with their life, in greater ways.
That you will turn your life over to Him.

Jesus gave me a lot of things in my life when I trusted much ....
Hope, peace, salvation, grace, forgiveness, love, satisfaction, ministry, and heaps more, but one of the real biggies, he gave me , was conscience.

To know the difference between right and wrong....what's best and what's not.

Have I always got it right ? Nope....but this journey I travel my life in, will lead me home, and one day I will join millions of others who have gone before me, including my dear dad... And mum, who are already there.

Just believe, just trust Jesus...he is the way, he will lead you home.

And oh, there was that day when I saw 2 angels on the bonnet of my car...but that's a story for another day.


  1. A bit more about Ali....

    Ali Sougou

    Ali Sougou grew in his Christian faith, especially after he had received a Bible. But then another crisis came - Ali was arrested by the police and thrown into prison. Three months later he appeared before a special court. Those presiding were Muslim leaders, army officers, village leaders and other authorities. The trial took place in the open air with a huge crowd of spectators present.

    The verdict was unusual; Ali could choose his own punishment from three alternatives:  

    1         Life imprisonment 
    2         Death by firing-squad 
    3         Deportation from the country
    As he stood there, wondering what to say, Ali knelt down and started to pray. He prayed loudly so that the crowd could hear his prayer also. "Lord Jesus, here I am and I know you are with me. Help me to choose what you want to me choose." The judges were astonished. They had expected Ali to choose deportation, but he seemed to be willing to be shot. The crowd shouted, "He is a fool - he is mad, he is crazy. You cannot sentence a crazy man - let him go home."

    He never had to choose - the crowd chose for him, which was accepted by the judges - fearing the crowd. Ali could go home! He learned the secret of spiritual victory: if we are willing to lay down our lives on the altar and leave the verdict to God, He will choose the best for us - to His glory.

  2. And more...
    This is an inspiring story...

    Ali Sougou

    One of the people who witnessed Ali's trial was a police inspector, whose duty it had been to watch all of Ali's movements - Whom did Ali visit, who visited Ali, what did they talk about?

    When Ali was set free the Muslim leaders of the judges called the Commissioner of Police and told him to provide Ali with a truck and driver and send him home. The police officer was to escort Ali. Upon their arrival at Ali's house, the truck driver left - but the police inspector stayed. "Can I talk to you in private?" he asked Ali. They went into another room. "I was surprised to see you did not choose your own punishment. You prayed to Jesus Christ, I would like to know more about Him. Your God worked very hard on your behalf." Some days later - after many hours of discussions - the police officer received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord.

    Now there was not one but two Christians on the island. Ali's steadfastness spoke to the crowd. Ali's willingness to die led to the policeman's salvation.

    The world will judge us by our deeds - not our words. "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). Your good deeds are no guarantee for your salvation, but they may become the way to salvation for someone else.


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