The 2 sided Coin....a prophecy and vision.

There are two sides to every coin...
on both sides there is an imprint, a very clear marking which identifies what the coin is, and who it belongs to, and its value. The coin is always imprinted on both sides, usually with the value on one side and the governance(the nation) on the other.

It's a been a very interesting week ....for me personally, with some pretty big wake up calls about what we as a church have achieved this year and what we haven't.

 I was sharing my personal frustration with one of my Leadership Growth Partners the other day (Captain Kevin Lumb) and he,the good officer he is, listened... and then started to prophesy into my life, I want to share this prophecy here and also the Vision that has come out of it for my own life and for our church.

How this started is that we were investigating our spiritual activity in our church over the past year for a new program we are about to start and we discovered some alarming stats that show we have been busy doing some things, and failing in some pretty big spiritual ways.

Busy building infrastructures, new facilities, teams, programs, concepts and new ventures. But not quite so busy in building new disciples for Jesus Christ.

The prophecy then went like this...

It's like you have imprinted one side of the coin, its clear and concise and plain for all to see, but the other side of the coin is blank...and now its time to start imprinting the other side of the coin.
The coin must have both sides imprinted for it to be of any use... and as a church and as a Christian leader I see this as the perfect image of what and where things are at for me and for our church.

I have been distracted this year by the new construction process of our new facility, which everyone warned me would happen, but I underestimated just how distracting and time consuming that would really be, anyway, NO EXCUSES.... the truth is we seemed to lose our way a little in this past year.

On the positive flip side is this, we did get a very clear imprint into one side of the coin.
But now we have some work to do to imprint the other side...
and that's now where we stand, its where I stand.

we have a "blank" in front of us, that is a free and clear opening and opportunity to imprint our community with the love of Christ in significant ways. To call and invite people(2000 in 10) to join Christ in this heavenly hope. We have built well the other side of our coin, which is clearly an excellent foundation and structure to allow us to now identify and work at the other side of our coin, with a solid under girding beneath us.
We are well positioned now, because of our work already, however we cannot rest on that alone, we must now concentrate every energy and every effort forward on imprinting the other side of our coin,(life) its not until we do that, will be whole and complete as a church, and when we are complete, imprinted both sides, we can be invested well into the kingdom economy.

For me personally, I have some work to do as well....I have set some goals  to crank this up in my life and personal ministry....  every Christ follower can do that. It's all about intention and purpose and the reason why we chose Christ for ourselves in the first place.

some have forgotten why they chose to be a Christian.....

Christianity is never about yourself and yourself alone..

once you have Jesus.................... you must share Him.

So Now....its serious soul saving business,   I am not going to whip myself over what has already taken place, I cant change that now, but I can change what the future looks like...what the way ahead looks like.

We have built our foundations well....(it's not all bad) but now its time to build up and out...I hope you will join me, in making our imprint  deep in our community.... the love of Jesus is good enough for everyone.

it's a 2 sided coin.

Please pray along with me that God will open hearts as we speak His truth.

That God will open doors of  opportunity as we walk in our land.

That He will stretch our influence so we can reach hundreds of people in the coming year and see them added to the church and to the Kingdom and more importantly to Christ.

AMEN  ( May It Be So)



  1. So on Sunday just gone, 2 brand new commitments for Jesus.
    Around 40 re-commitments, and much ministry time in our church for a fresh touch of Gods boldness to speak out about Jesus. An amazing day. Thankyou Lord, and thankyou Len Turner who preached such a God honoring message in both services.


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