I am not finished with just yet.

Nothing makes Satan so fearful as a Christian who understands the power of prayer.
Some time ago Brother Andrew wrote a book on prayer, entitled "And God changed His Mind because His people dared to ask." Abraham dared to ask and in response God was willing to change His mind. "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it." (Sodom and Gomorrah) Six times Abraham had prayed for the salvation of the people in those cities.
What a pity he stopped at ten.
Who knows what might have happened had Abraham gone on? Ungodly men and women in sinful cities do not realize how much they owe to the presence of God's people in their midst. Godly people are too often unaware of their enormous responsibility to pray for a wicked world. Abraham was aware - and prayed.
Let us plead with God for a breakthrough in countries where His presence is not allowed.(including our own where peopel seem to not allow God to be active in their lives)
Let us also hold on to God when praying for those in our own families who live without Christ. Prayer changes situations - never give up.
Copyright [C] 1995 Open Doors International. Used by permission.

You know, things are a bit tough at the moment, people are not getting radically saved as we would have hoped. People in our families have turned their back on our Jesus.

There seems to be some more losses than victories, and as I pray this morning, I have been reminded of Abraham and his prayer , as mentioned above, and I am called to not give up, to press on, to press in, and to be obedient....

And as a public testimony today, I say ...amen.

I confess.
I repent.
I choose obedience.
I choose to stay in.
I am not finished what I started.

When I planted Craigieburn Salvos, I decided to pick a fight with Satan.

I am still in that fight. I am not laying down to him.

There are souls still to be won. I am still here for the cause of Jesus.

It feels like Satan has landed a blow fair and square in my gut right now, but I feel a Holy Spirit power building inside me, I feel a Spirit unction coming and I want to be used by Him to counter attack, and that's what is going to happen.

It's not over yet.


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