What I have learned today...(so far)

I am not the sharpest of all people on the planet, in fact there are times when I think may be the dumbest.

When life, or an event in life trips you up, you need to make a choice.
Stay on the floor, or get yourself back up and get back to the journey.

I find myself tripped up at times, flat on my face, embarrassed and hurt, and wonder why I fell for that...sometimes falling for the same trip, over and over again.

I know I am not alone, but the real question is what do you do when you find yourself flat on your face.

I believe the answer is get yourself up as quickly as you can.

I also hold to these truths which I am trying to shape my own life with...
1. Find out what tripped you and get rid of it, so it doesn't get you again.
2. Walk around the obstacles.
3. If you have tripped, don't stay tripped, get up, keep going.
4. Apologize, repent, confess, renew.
5. Put plans in place to avoid future tripping episodes.

I am not perfect, in fact I am way off even being close to being good. I have a strong desire to be good, but it feels for me, at times, that Satan and my inner sinful nature has just as strong a desire to make me fail.

So if you find yourself tripped up by life, a failure, weakness, sin, mistake or error, then the big thing...don't stay there.
Get back up. Shake the dust off. And keep going.
Better days are ahead. I believe that, truly I do.

And if I have ever wronged you....? I apologize.


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