Listen out for God...

It's Christmas and its very busy.

We are helping hundreds of people right now through our church ministries.
And I mean hundreds. It actually may even be thousands.

It's busy.

I want to share this little story with you, that happened to me the other day...

I was at Broadmeadows shopping centre, Christmas wrapping, we have been doing this for around 7 years now...

I had taken a break, and was sitting in the cafe watching the people meandering past.

There was a lot going on.

A young girl had collapsed behind the counter of the cafe, the medics were with her and were taking her away on a stretcher, people had crowded to watch, as they do.

All sorts of people, are at Broady shops, and a large amount of them are Muslims.

Because of this...over the past years, no Christmas carols or music was ever played at these shops....but this year it has changed.

As I sat there, pondering life, and amidst the drone of the noisy shopping centre, the words started to filter into my ears and heart...

O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

It was near supernatural...the noise started to muffle, and the music and words were clear as a bell...straight into my heart, it's all I could hear.

Tears welled up in my eyes and a warmth went through my body, God was speaking to me, He got my attention.

Jesus came for all the world.

People from every nation gather at Broady, and Jesus came for every nation, culture, religion, ethnic background, gender and age and there isn't anyone left out.

As I sat there everything seemed to stand was brief moment and one I really needed.

If we will pause long enough and listen, God is speaking to His people. YOU...ME.

He loves us, He hates our sin, but loves us.

Isn't that remarkable ?

I pray that this Christmas, you may hear His voice and respond....

O come let US...adore HIM. Christ the Lord.

In the middle of the rush, the bustle and stress.... The noise and the mayhem...

A world that ignores Him... Even despises Him...

He is still Christ the Lord... And He still comes to us today, inviting us to bow our knee and head in worship.

I love Him, my desire is to serve Him. And bring people close to Him.

Bless you this Christmas 2011.


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