WOW....what a month.

It's boxing day in Melbourne, and I have just surfaced from a good nights sleep. Still feeling pretty tired, Its been an amazing month, simply too busy I think.

Every December our church wraps gifts at a local shopping centre, we use the opportunity to build relationships with the locals and of course, raise some funds for our work here. It's very tiring but also very enjoyable.

This year has been particularly challenging, people have let us down, some have not shown up when they said they would, others have simply had their own agenda, and then of course there were the faithful loyal workers who helped, selflessly, and these people I admire.

The world is filled with diverse people of all kinds of personality traits, some you groan from, others you grow from. I love those people who serve without complaining, who just turn up even when they are exhausted...the ones who see that something needs to be done, and they just do it....people like This are rare. If any of you are reading this, thankyou for your service to our church, for your loyalty to me as a leader, and for the hard work which you do for the kingdom. There are precious few words I could use to say thankyou, and acknowledge all you do, I don't even know really how else to say thanks. Thankyou.

It's been a tough December...there has been funerals....fatal accidents right out front of our church, there has been abuse and slander aimed at us, and people who should know better, have let us feeling abandoned and hurt. But it's over now, and it's the last week of 2011, and I must say I am way optimistic that 2012 will turn out to be better than 2011.

I watch the young Idealistic emerging salvo leaders and wonder in my own mind about what makes them tick.....hard work is often downplayed, and life is all about free spirt.... Anyone who knows the Kingdom of Heaven well enough knows that God is in charge and whatever He says is what needs to happen. Having a free spirit, says to me, that I will not do anything unless I feel like it...that is not the way for the Kingdom..... These young leaders, will eventually stand up and lead this Army, however in the interim I guess it bewilders me, that selfless service and sacrifice are yet to be learned. When you become a minister of Jesus you lay down your rights and agenda and offer it to Him for His use, not your own.

So here's what I have learned through 2011 and especially through December 2011:

1. Church leadership is Still one of the most difficult things on the planet, but it is still worth it.
2. Even though people seem to hurt you, God still loves you and lifts you.
3. Ministry life is tough, some think they are equal, but when the rubber hits the road, and the work is to be done...that's when you really see who rises to the top of the barrel. And who drops away.Equality only comes when everything is, stress, time off, service...some just want the title without the hard work that accompanies it. That is not and never will be equality.
4. On Sunday coming, another new year commences, it will provide new challenges and opportunities and there will be new results...and best of all, some of the garbage that I have had to put up with recently will simply disappear. That is very exciting to me...for I will reclaim who I Am in Christ and what He asked me to do at My church will also be reclaimed and we can finally move forwards again.

And the final thing I have learned...

I am tired, spent, exhausted, weary, worn out.... But not by my true ministry, but by the stress that the difficult people have bought me.... I am learning to put that where it belongs and allow the Holy Spirit to lift me up into His presence where my hope and strength and peace originates from.

He has never failed me yet.

Roll on 2012.


  1. Hi Gaz, it appears that the 80/20 principle is still at work. No matter where you are the pople are similar, thy just have different names and faces! Praying 2012 is greata year for you guys with adventures at home and abroad. Take care....The PJs.


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