the Alone ...Me (part 4)

Every few days ...I realise that I am alone... I hope that you are not being bored by all my stuff here but whilst Jules is in London learning heaps, I am also learning heaps..  I guess if you are bored and  are not interested in my stuff, then you dont have to read this do you ... lol.

truthfully, Sundays are the worst.  I hate it when Jules is not around, and last Sunday was particularly difficult, and must be  honest I found myself having shed a tear or two.    (a bit of a softy I am)

I am pleased she is doing well and enjoying herself and making new friends and connecting with the Lord.

I am also pleased with what He is doing in me. I opened the church gates I glanced up and there 50 meters up, an eagle gently gilded over the church carpark, and within seconds was gone. ( perfect timing... it is always this way when God sends me an eagle)

now anyone who really knows me, knows the significance of this for me.

Whenever I see an has always been 100% accurate...a message from God to me, it is intensely personal for me, But God speaks to me every single time, and today is no different.

it is either a reminder that everything is going to be ok....or  that something huge is about to happen.

He has been sending me eagles every now and then, ever since in my first 4 months of ministry (17 years ago) in Tasmania when I was facing really tough ministry issues after the Port Arthur massacre...He has been faithful to me in this way and always has been... and every single time something has happened around me and in me, after the time I have seen the eagle.

so todays eagle right over our church carpark was indeed very special for me personally.

I don't do well without Julie...  and in some ways my ministry ( at least in my mind) is under the microscope...everything being re-evaluated  and reviewed...(by me)   I am well aware of just how tired and busy I am and things keep being thrown at me, from left field that surprise me and just add to the load, thankfully  I have really good people around me who are willing to step up and help...simply said without  my leadership team at Salvos 3064 and my 2 beautiful would be over for me.

I have the best church leadership team on the our church, and they are just fantastic people ...I believe in them and am grateful  for their willing serving hearts.

I believe that even for them, the eagle today, is a sign of what lays ahead of us..... huge Godly blessing and opportunity.

My daughters are great girls and they are helping me heaps at the moment... these are good days, these are days I will never forget.

and the alone me is moving on..... I  cant wait to see what happens next.

God is ever faithful and His promises are sure.

whatever lays before me, just now, is mapped out for me already, and I choose Gods ways over my own.

I pray He will bless you today also.

and for those who dont know what an eagle looks like...I include one here for you to see and ponder.

they soar above the issues and problems and storms of the world. they have eagle eye and focussed.  why not be an eagle for Jesus today, yourself.



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