The Alone me ( part 3)

I realized today that I am around 5 weeks away from joining Jules in London. That will be very special.

She appears to be doing very ok, ( guess I am thinking she may be doing too well ) lol. She is having a blast and said she is learning heaps, things I didn't even know they did at ICO, that's great, she is such a legend and I love her dearly.

So about the alone me...

Satan has been throwing everything he has got at me, it's interesting, but I am standing strong.

It's been one of the busiest weeks of the Far for me.... All our mid week meetings re convened this week and as well as some new meetings to attend, it's been busy.

I know a few things new are happening for me personally, I doubt that God may have got my attention if I were not alone, and He is using this time to refine me.

I am grateful for it.

I feel stronger today, it's been a ok week, and for me, I saw an eagle this week, that is significant for me in the scheme of things in my life, a promise and re assurance that God is with me, He holds me, He has my back.

I feel that we have headed off with our leaders at S3064 church, on the right foot and overall I am excited about what looks ahead.

One of the big things I am learning so far is from a new book I am reading called...

The irresistible church.... 12 traits that heaven applauds. Wayne Cordeiro.

A fantastic book.

If you or I want to be a Christian and part of a church that heaven applauds, it would be helpful to take the traits and apply them.

The biggy so far this week is the trait of "Gratefulness".

I found myself weeping over all God has done for me. For our church. I have much to be gratefull for, and so do you.

I wonder if you have ever stopped to think about what heaven sees when you minister in Gods holy name, when your church does it's thing, do you ever wonder whether heaven applauds you and stops and rejoices over your church ?

I sure hope heaven applauds Craigieburn Salvos. I sure hope it doesn't groan over us. I believe that we have a wonderful privilege to serve our father and bring tears of joy to heaven...simply by us being true to the calls which is ours.

When I get to heaven I want to hear... Welcome home, good and faithful servant.

So....about being alone...

The alone me is surviving so far.

I am walking 4 Km's each day again.
Eating well (most days)
Sleeping well
Praying harder
Devotions have changed
Vision is sharpening
Church is good

And yeah. I smell a roast In the oven cooking for dinner, I can even cook.and the girls are helping too...bless them.
The ironing is done and the washing is up to date.

The garden hasnt died and we may eat some tomatoes that we have grown here, in the next week or so.

Do I miss Julie ? Can I do it without her ? Well yes and yes.

But it's better when she is here.

5 weeks to go and I am on my way also.

And my Jesus journey continues.


  1. Hey Gary,

    As I read your blog I can't help but feel encouraged. Why? Because there are many times in my training that I feel alone, I can only imagine that in times of ministry this feeling is moreso. However, in knowing this, and knowing that it is in these times the best of God's work is done in each of us, I am going to come out better than before. Life gets so busy that it is very easy to miss what God wants to do, or the work that He needs to do in us. I think these times of quiet and loneliness are just what we need to reconnect with our heavenly father. Are the times lonely? yes they are but the blessings and growth are just truly awesome. still and know that I am God...(psalm 46)

  2. Well Dave, thanks for the comments mate...the truth is that if I wasn't alone and feeling alone then what is actually going on inside me right now would probably not be.

    these are very important days for me and I am hearing God like I haven't for a long time.


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