Salvos 3064 Brothel Ministry - Can a prostitute be saved ? (part 2)

Hi all.. sorry to butt in on my own (alone)series..but this just has to be our church we run an outreach ministry into a local brothel, the following report(below) is posted by our women ministry workers who do this ministry. It is posted , because we are so pumped about the results today and the fact that this ministry went up a notch today.

its also in line with last Sundays message( see and the launching of the Hope for all posters in our church, depicting William Booths original vision of reaching out to those who are lost and perishing...this includes prostitutes.

Ministry is difficult and sometimes its hard to get breakthroughs.... and when you do, you should shout it from the rooftops and the mountain tops..... and thats why we are sharing this here...

it is now 2 madams we have prayed out...and today's unconditional love shared with the girls will count for something in the economy of the Kingdom..well done Noeleen and Lisa for your faithfulness, well done Brooke for your cakes, and well done prayer team who cover this ministry in prayer each week ...
please read and be encouraged...

"Today we commenced our Brothel Support Ministry (Cupcake Ministry) for 2012.
As always before our visit, we prayed, and asked our Prayer Support team to pray as we undertook our visit, praying that God would open doors of opportunity to share His love, open up pathways to conversations, and connections with the ladies, and to have God‟s will done, as we bring Jesus light into the darkness.

Nothing could ever prepare our hearts for what would happen at this visit. We've been faithfully serving God in this ministry for about two and half years, and we were completely blown away as we spent time with the ladies today.

Due to staff circumstances we have had to change our visitation day from a Wednesday to a Thursday, which initially we were upset that we wouldn't see The Madam of the house, as she doesn't work Thursday's, and we've built up a wonderful relationship with her. But, as God has different plans for her, she informed us today that she is leaving the area of work and today would be her final day…… we've been praying her out, and well, what can I say other than…‟Faithful God.‟

When we entered the ladies waiting room‟, with the cupcakes, we were warmly welcomed, and had the most amazing freedom of conversation, with many loud laughs and smiles, and felt like were having a girly party, like a celebration of friendship, even though we previously had not met several of the girls. Even the Asian girls, whom never seem to chat with us, joined in freely today.

We shared a box of chocolates, kindly offered around from one of the ladies.
We looked through Avon brochures, and were shown photos of their pets, and mobile phone photos.
One of the lady's, said she would pop in on Thursday just to see us, as she would miss our chats, our company, and of course our cupcakes.

One lady asked about the Salvation Army and its ranks, and was blown away that we were a church. Her reply was “oh, a church, well, I'm just an animal”. To this, she was told how much God loves her, and she certainly is not an animal, but someone who is loved and precious.

As we were leaving she called us back to ask us, why we do not judge her for what she does. God's love for her was once again shared, and we told her that God doesn't judge her, so nor do we. God loves her, and so do we.
As we went to hug her as we were leaving, she was a little hesitant, saying “I don't want to make you unclean, I don't want to ruin you”.

With this, she was told, “you won't ruin us”, and gave us a big hug.

We will continue to keep in contact with The Madam, who is leaving, she even gave us her address so that we could contact her.

Wow God, we thank you for this breakthrough, and the privilege that is ours to have such precious lives entrusted to us."

Oh Lord, let our rescue mission called Salvos 3064 church, function with huge effect for your Kingdom .

I cant wait to see these girls come to faith in Jesus Christ and be rescued from this lifestyle, and if our ministry counts for anything, i pray that God will smile upon us as we at least try.

well done Salvos3064 church.


  1. Val said: God is so good to us... all of us.


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