The Alone me...(part 7)

It has been a huge day.

I love our church when it's like this.

Someone made a comment to me tonight, questioning the validity of " carpet time " which some people call it when God puts people on the floor.

Here's what I think....

God can do whatever He wants , whichever way He wants, whenever He wants in my ministry and in our church.

I will never stand in the way of what God should choose to do in His church...

I have been around long enough to know the difference between those that fake this and those who do not.... And I just know deep down in my spirit, that God was working in our church today.

People were changed, blessed, encouraged, uplifted and touched.

It's sad to me when we question what almighty sovereign omnipotent God can or cannot do, based on our limited human understanding of Him and His ways.

We will all get some surprises I think, when we get to heaven...perhaps some of the methods we employ in our churches will be seen as carnal at best, but we will be in heaven and thats what matters most.

Arguments on earth about church traditions and rituals and concepts do little to advance the gospel....

Freedom in church and an openness to the mysteries of the Spirit will change the earth.

I agree the term " carpet time " really doesn't adequately describe Gods work in our church.

But I can tell you, when A person is laying flat on the floor, and you didn't put them there and they didn't put themselves there either....well something has happened, and everyone I have ever spoken to about this, is just blessed beyond words can explain. I am, 2 more Sundays before back with Julie. A lot is going on in me and today was just simply awesome, even if it's criticized by some.

I love it when God does what He did today for me and for us.

Today, we had fun, We did our best and we had some wins.

What more could you ask for in a church ?

May this week be better still.

I have seen things in my journey so far, that I guess some cynics and skeptics could question and disbelieve.

The time I saw angels. The time my daughter was supernaturally healed. The time when God spoke to me in my dreams through scripture. The demons cast out. The awareness that God was with me in my room as I prayed.

People always criticse what they are sometimes ignorant of. But that doesn't change the reality and truth of what God does and who He is.

No one can take my testimony from me.

My God is more real to me than the air I breathe. He has done things and around me that prove His power. And I want even more still.

Bring it on God in Salvos 3064 church and in my life.

May it be always so forever, in me.

Be blessed today.


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